@Spankythemusical Hey sorry for the late response, I will make it so that you can change that in the config file soon and not need to edit the js file.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-QuotesFromReddit
Picks a random post from /r/quotes and displays the title meaning a random supply of quotes! Ideally meant to replace the compliments module.
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
Everything seems correct in your config. What worked for me was updating the Magic Mirror itself and then it started working. If that doesn’t do it let me know and I could try to see what else I did.
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
@RedNax It works now hahaha I feel like an idiot. I had updated MMM-WunderGround like a million times but for some reason never once thought to update the MM its self. But thank you for the help!
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
@RedNax Edit: okay never mind I messed up lol. But the black screen is back and it is giving me this error message
[Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (font-awesome.min.css, line 4) [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (font-awesome.min.css, line 4) [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (font-awesome.min.css, line 4) [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (font-awesome.min.css, line 4) [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (font-awesome.min.css, line 4) [Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (weather-icons.css, line 44)
In Addition to this
/modules/MMM-WunderGround//weather-icons-wind.css Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
Hey @RedNax I am getting a black screen as well when I set up this module and im trying out all the things posted here and it doesn’t seem to help. I know my api key is good because I have checked it at least 100 times. Here is my config.js:
{ module: 'MMM-WunderGround', position: 'top_right', config: { apikey: 'XXXXXXXXXXXX ', pws: 'pws:KNYSETAU3', hourly: '1', fctext: '1', fcdaycount: "5", fcdaystart: "0", hourlyinterval: "3", hourlycount: "2" } },
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
Hourly weather for OpenWeather
Hello I’m pretty new to MM. I love the weather feature because I like to go biking a lot and like to see if its a good day but I sometimes need to see what time its going to rain later in the day. I have tried to use WunderGround for hourly weather but that wasn’t working for me so I was wondering if anyone knew how to get hourly weather for OpenWeather and if not could help develop for it.