@pugsly we have a corporate Outlook Calendar, but I was trying to do it locally because I didn’t want to expose my mirror to the internet.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Microsoft Outlook
RE: Microsoft Outlook
@KirAsh4 good point. sort of like ‘Less is more’. I’ve seen where Outlook Calendar can be manually exported. I’ll keep looking, but you may be right about too many may clutter up the mirror. As Always, thanks for your help.
Microsoft Outlook
Has anyone ever interfaced the mirror to a local PC with Microsoft Outlook. I go through a lot of conference calls and it would be nice to see them on the mirror.
RE: start on reboot
@KirAsh4 Well, it must be working well because it has been 12 hours and it is still going strong. However, I don’t know how many times pm2 had to restart it. Either way, my perception is that it is working fine. Thanks again.
start on reboot
I would like to have npm start executed upon reboot. I’ve gone through every line of the install procedure (which is very good, BTW), but I have to manually open a terminal window from the gui and then cd HOME/MagicMirror and then npm start. This works fine. But how do I get it to do it automatically upon a reboot?
RE: Installing MM2
Hi @KirAsh4 ,
I found the problem. Well, I didn’t. It was under Neokamikaze’s post. I had been using PuTTY in the installation because it made it easier and more accurate to cut and paste directions. The errors were during that PuTTY session. When I key in “npm start” from a command windows directly on the RPi 3, it comes up with the proper screen.I still have some additional issues, but IT RUNS!! thank-you for your help. I proved I couldn’t have done it myself.
And thank-you, too, Neokamikaze.
RE: Installing MM2
@KirAsh4 Thank-you. I think I’m making good progress because it is getting past the dependancies. However, when I start ‘npm start’ I get about a list of error lines. If I can figure out how to upload files, I will send a text file of the error responses and the npm-debug.log file.
1_1468859943952_npm-debug.log 0_1468859943950_err.txt -
RE: Installing MM2
@KirAsh4 It is a RPi 3. Raspian is version 1.9.2. I did it all with one exception. I used Noobs to install Raspian instead of installing Raspian directly to my SD Card. All else is the same.
I will try it again without using Noobs.