@schmo90 mmm havent had that problem, everything its working fine
Have you deactivated the screensaver as its shown in the wiki?
Also, are you using a module like MMM-Remote-Control to turn off the screen?
If you see a black screen and the mouse but nothing else you are probably missing “sudo chvt 6 && sudo chvt 7” in your statement after turning hdmi back on. You can test it in ssh after forcing the issue.
Also if you are concatenating commands like Hein-Jan did with “tvservice --preferred && sudo chvt 6 && sudo chvt 7” have in mind that commands after && are only executed if no errors are found. So maybe “tvservice -p” its working correctly but its giving some feedback and things after && aren’t executed.
You could force it by using ; as a separator instead of && so it doesn’t look for an answear