@ndom91 try the fake KMS if you want to use TV service
It’s what I do
@ndom91 try the fake KMS if you want to use TV service
It’s what I do
@bradau no sorry, thats not my case
if you dont have any problem with the full kms maybe you will have to search of a tvservice alternative, something that works on any linux desktop and not specific to RPI
Hi @ndom91
tvservice isnt compatible with the KMS driver, you need to use fkms to retain that compativility
Hi Gregory
tvservice isnt compatible with the KMS driver, you need to use fkms to retain that compativility
Im using MagicMirror-FootballLeagues
It works by just adding the league 467
If someone is using it without luck be sure to use an api key and place showUnavailable as true
hi @binderth
the fake-kms was created for keeping omxplayer compatibility but you need to add the “–no-osd” flag to the omxplayer command line
you might want to try it
dont bet on it, but changing line 101 of node_helper.js to
var args = ["--no-osd", "--live", "--video_queue", "4", "--fps", "30",
might do the trick
You might want to read this thread
@schmo90 mmm havent had that problem, everything its working fine
Have you deactivated the screensaver as its shown in the wiki?
Also, are you using a module like MMM-Remote-Control to turn off the screen?
If you see a black screen and the mouse but nothing else you are probably missing “sudo chvt 6 && sudo chvt 7” in your statement after turning hdmi back on. You can test it in ssh after forcing the issue.
Also if you are concatenating commands like Hein-Jan did with “tvservice --preferred && sudo chvt 6 && sudo chvt 7” have in mind that commands after && are only executed if no errors are found. So maybe “tvservice -p” its working correctly but its giving some feedback and things after && aren’t executed.
You could force it by using ; as a separator instead of && so it doesn’t look for an answear
Please use the fake kms driver instead “dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d”
it its known that the full kms driver isnt compatible with tvservice plus other restrictions
Also with the fake KMS you can rotate the display from /boot/config.txt so I suggest @michmich using it as the preferred method in the wiki