Works perfectly now, thanks!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda
Possible bug here. The Agenda doesn’t show scheduled events on the final day as set by the endDateIndex.
I’m trying to get the Ext3Agenda to show me just a single day. Using startDayIndex:0, endDateIndex:0. When doing this, it only shows full-day events, not events scheduled a specific time.
If I change endDateIndex:1, then I get the proper items appearing, but also a header for day 2.
I notice that not matter what the endDateIndex is listed, it doesn’t seem to show sheduled events the last day. Only the header and any full-day events.
RE: Anyone successfully using MMM-Tesla module?
One more tip. Your car’s ID seems to change monthly. So you have to run teslams to get it working.
I am working on my own version which is a bit more feature rich (not a lot more, because I have no training as a programmer). I think I have all the bugs worked out but want to see if I can address this ID update in an automated fashion.
RE: Anyone successfully using MMM-Tesla module?
I did, finally. Maybe this will help:
I used the teslams command line program to get my vehicle_ID. There are two IDs that it presents: one is vehicle ID and was 10 characters. The one you want is just called “ID” and is 17 characters. Worked instantly after I changed that.
See if that gets you there.