I use Trakt to keep track of what I am watching, where I left off in a show, and when new episodes come out.
I started using the MMM-trakt module by Kiina, and then the more-recently-updated form by PierreGode, which was great for showing me what episodes were coming out that day or in the next few days. My issue is that I often don’t manage to watch things the day that come out, so what I really needed was something that would continue to show new episodes until I watched them. Also, I am often working my way through old shows and wanted a reminder of where I left off.
I forked and updated PierreGode’s MMM-trakt fork to allow one module to show either new/upcoming in chronological order OR show “on deck” episodes of shows in progress in reverse chronological order. That way the newly released episodes stick around and, when I’ve watched them all, I can see what older shows I’m still working through.
Module here: