@gizzmo Thanks a lot. I measure the temperatur inside with a DS18B20 sensor to get knowledge about the heating. I do not exceed 32 °C since starting to use it. The next summer i need to see. But the frame is not directly at the wall because of the way of mounting it. So i have 5mm space between and some air can circulate.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: InWall Mirror
RE: Where to get (cheap) acrylic mirror from in Germany
@compoti you’re welcome! :D The quality is pretty good and the price as well! I have seen frames with a price around 100 € which had not such a good quality. Now it had a price of 35 € with freight charge.
RE: Where to get (cheap) acrylic mirror from in Germany
With the power of Hilti ;)
RE: InWall Mirror
@done hahah! yes that’s right :D
that are all the compliments:
morning: [ "Gumoje, Schnibbelsche!", "Scheene Doag!", "Ei guude wie?", "Wie hoaschde gepennt?", "Na du Stinkwatz?" ], afternoon: [ "Na, Schnuggelsche!", "Du bischd subber!", "Guude!", "Gud sieschde aus!" ], evening: [ "Des zischt wie Abbelsaft!", "Na, Zuckerschneggsche?", "Erbaame! Zu Spät!", "Geil Wuzz!"
RE: InWall Mirror
@done try to translate “Geil wuzz!” :D it is impossible, right? :D
RE: Where to get (cheap) acrylic mirror from in Germany
Here are pictures of a mirror by myspiegel.de + frame of bilderrahmen-passt.de
The mirror is darker than another ones i saw on pictures. It’s not a mirror for makeup ;)
But im satisfied and my wife, too! It does look very fine and beautiful with the darkness of the glass.If you expect a real shiny mirror like in your bathroom myspiegel.de is the wrong shop for you.
Dirk -
RE: InWall Mirror
Finally i got the mirror and frame! :D
The mirror comes from myspiegel.de and the frame has been ordered at bilderrahmen-passt.de.
RE: Motion Detector
@bib you are providing a bit less information to give you some tipp.