@MMRIZE , Real happy i found this , really great , quick question how do get this look you posted back in 2022
Wanna get the same look with multiple feeds and fade
Thank again
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Developer Wanted To Modify Default Newsfeed Module
RE: Recipes not loading MMM-AssistantMK2
@Bugsounet - Thanks for the prompt response
Can kick myself for that one ! - fairly new still - done it now - should i be see it loading in the log as i use too ? - [MK2} recipe is loaded : …
because i don’t.
Haven’t done a test on the mirror as I’m sorting my mic.
Thanks … -
Recipes not loading MMM-AssistantMK2
Hi guys really needing some help here.
Recently upgrade use to work well
My recipes is not loading - cant see them loaded in the logs.
No response with assistant .
Re-Loaded my entire mirror twice hoping to fix this.
Any help will be appreciated
My Config : ```{ module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "top_left", config: { ui: "Classic", assistantConfig: { latitude: -26.104611, longitude: 27.955034, }, micConfig: { // put there configuration generated by auto-installer recorder: "arecord", device: "plughw:1", }, recipes: ["with-MMM-Hotword.js","with-MMM-Spotify","with-MMM-Youtube","Reboot-Restart-Shutdown"], profiles: { "default": { profileFile: "default.json", lang: "en-US" } }, useA2D: false, } }, { module: "MMM-Hotword", position: "bottom_left", config: { useDisplay: false, chimeOnFinish: null, recipes: ["with-AMk2v3_Jarvis.js"], mic: { recordProgram: "arecord", device: "plughw:1", }, }, },
I have tried everything i can think of .
pi@HomePi:~/MagicMirror $ npm start > magicmirror@2.11.0 start /home/pi/MagicMirror > DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js [2020-04-15 13:57:12.168] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.11.0 [2020-04-15 13:57:12.179] [LOG] Loading config ... [2020-04-15 13:57:12.187] [LOG] Loading module helpers ... [2020-04-15 13:57:12.190] [LOG] No helper found for module: alert. [2020-04-15 13:57:12.277] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:12.278] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification [2020-04-15 13:57:12.279] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock. [2020-04-15 13:57:12.281] [LOG] No helper found for module: compliments. [2020-04-15 13:57:12.282] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMM-OpenmapWeather. [2020-04-15 13:57:12.283] [LOG] No helper found for module: weatherforecast. [2020-04-15 13:57:13.250] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:13.251] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-PushBulletNotifications [2020-04-15 13:57:13.807] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:13.808] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-MyCommute [2020-04-15 13:57:13.871] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:13.872] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-network-signal [2020-04-15 13:57:14.225] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:14.226] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE [2020-04-15 13:57:14.756] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:14.757] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-Spotify [2020-04-15 13:57:17.414] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:17.415] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-News [2020-04-15 13:57:19.651] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:19.652] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-AssistantMk2 [2020-04-15 13:57:19.935] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2020-04-15 13:57:19.936] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-Hotword [2020-04-15 13:57:19.937] [LOG] All module helpers loaded. [2020-04-15 13:57:20.128] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ... [2020-04-15 13:57:20.136] [INFO] You're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs [2020-04-15 13:57:20.146] [LOG] Server started ... [2020-04-15 13:57:20.148] [LOG] Connecting socket for: updatenotification [2020-04-15 13:57:20.149] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-PushBulletNotifications [2020-04-15 13:57:20.151] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-MyCommute [2020-04-15 13:57:20.152] [LOG] ====================== Starting node_helper for module [MMM-MyCommute] [2020-04-15 13:57:20.152] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-network-signal [2020-04-15 13:57:20.153] [LOG] MMM-network-signal helper started ... [2020-04-15 13:57:20.154] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE [2020-04-15 13:57:20.155] [LOG] Starting node helper for: MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE [2020-04-15 13:57:20.156] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-Spotify [2020-04-15 13:57:20.159] [LOG] [SPOTIFY_AUTH] Token is fresh. [2020-04-15 13:57:20.160] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-News [2020-04-15 13:57:20.161] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-AssistantMk2 [2020-04-15 13:57:20.162] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-Hotword [2020-04-15 13:57:20.163] [LOG] [HOTWORD] MMM-Hotword starts [2020-04-15 13:57:20.164] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... [2020-04-15 13:57:20.336] [LOG] Launching application. [2020-04-15 13:57:23.807] [LOG] [MMM-PushBulletNotifications][Info] 13:57:23.710 - START received [2020-04-15 13:57:23.941] [LOG] [COVID:CORE] Scan starts. [2020-04-15 13:57:23.973] [LOG] [NEWS] Initialized. [2020-04-15 13:57:23.995] [LOG] [HOTWORD] Recipe is loaded: with-AMk2v3_Jarvis.js [2020-04-15 13:57:24.327] [LOG] [AMK2] MMM-AssistantMk2 Version: 3.2.0 [2020-04-15 13:57:24.374] [LOG] [AMK2] AssistantMk2 is initialized. [2020-04-15 13:57:25.175] [LOG] [MMM-Spotify] Starting [2020-04-15 13:57:25.603] [LOG] [HOTWORD] begins. [2020-04-15 13:57:25.606] [LOG] [HOTWORD] Detector starts listening. [2020-04-15 13:57:26.106] [LOG] [COVID:CORE] Access to data source. [2020-04-15 13:57:26.352] [LOG] [MMM-PushBulletNotifications][Info] 13:57:26.351 - PushBullet connected [2020-04-15 13:57:26.723] [LOG] [COVID:CORE] Resolving: csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv [2020-04-15 13:57:27.258] [LOG] [NEWS] Articles are aggregated : 20 [2020-04-15 13:57:27.719] [LOG] [COVID:CORE] Resolving: csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv [2020-04-15 13:57:28.004] [LOG] [COVID:CORE] Resolving: csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv [2020-04-15 13:57:28.044] [LOG] can't find property recovered Canada: [2020-04-15 13:57:28.045] [LOG] adding... [2020-04-15 13:57:28.177] [LOG] [COVID:CORE] Calculating Wordlwide total. [2020-04-15 13:57:28.336] [LOG] [COVID:CORE] Scan Completed. [2020-04-15 14:07:25.288] [LOG] [NEWS] Articles are aggregated : 20 [2020-04-15 14:17:25.070] [LOG] [NEWS] Articles are aggregated : 20
RE: MMM-Spotify
@Sean Thanks for the response - i m lost - no programming knowledge whats so ever
trail and error got me thus far- and everything’s working great except spotify, still learning.
Can’t i get a completed (recipe.json) with any other require details, for voice activation on this module that could assist me, once i have one, ill probably be able to see my error.
Stomped for days now … online json checkers… really need to learn the basics …Thanks -
RE: MMM-Spotify
Hi Guys need some help with this module - newbie :smirking_face:
I have the following loaded succesfully:
Change device name in Raspotify :to Mirror
Created a spotify.json - recipe(code from here) in recipes file this is it:
Added the recipe to the Mk2.js
recipes:[“hide_and_show_all_modules.js”, “reboot.js”, “screen_onoff.js”, “shutdown.js”, “spotify.js”],
Dont know what i missed - any assistance please …var recipe = { transcriptionHook: { STOP_PLAY: { pattern: "stop the video", // this is for youtube but it is preferable to have youtubeAutoplay: false, when running spotify so you don't get interaction with youtube player. command: "STOP_VID" }, // STOP_PLAY2: { // pattern: "arrête la musique", // command: "STOP_VID" // }, SPOTIFY_PREVIOUS: { pattern: "previous song", command: "SPOTIFY_PREVIOUS" }, SPOTIFY_PAUSE: { pattern : "stop the musique", command: "SPOTIFY_PAUSE" }, SPOTIFY_PLAY: { pattern : "music please", command: "SPOTIFY_PLAY" }, SPOTIFY_NEXT: { pattern: "next song", command: "SPOTIFY_NEXT" }, SPOTIFY_VOLUME: { pattern: "set music volume to ([0-9]{1,2}[0]?|100)", command: "SPOTIFY_VOLUME" }, SPOTIFY_SEARCH: { pattern: "play (.*) on Spotify", command: "SPOTIFY_SEARCH" }, SPOTIFY_SEARCH_PLAYLIST: { pattern: "playlist (.*) on Spotify", command: "SPOTIFY_SEARCH_PLAYLIST" }, SPOTIFY_MA_PLAYLIST: { pattern: "(.*) my playlist", // (.*) is an action eg: play my playlist / run my playlist etc... command: "SPOTIFY_MA_PLAYLIST" }, SPOTIFY_TRANSFER: { pattern: "play the music on (.*)", // (.*) is the name of your device command: "SPOTIFY_TRANSFER" }, VOLUME_UP: { pattern: "volume up", command: "CMD_VOLUME_UP" }, VOLUME_DOWN: { pattern: "volume down", command: "CMD_VOLUME_DOWN" }, SET_VOLUME: { pattern: "set master volume to ([0-9]{1,2}[0]?|100)", command: "CMD_VOLUME_SET" } }, command: { STOP_VID: { moduleExec: { module: ["MMM-AssistantMk2"], exec: (module, params, key) => { module.assistant.subdom.youtube.innerHTML = ""; module.assistant.subdom.youtube.style.display = "none"; module.youtubePlaying = false; } } }, SPOTIFY_TRANSFER: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_TRANSFER", payload: (params) => { console.log("SPOTIFY_TRANSFER @",params) return params[1]; } } }, SPOTIFY_PAUSE: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_PAUSE" } }, SPOTIFY_PLAY: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_PLAY" } }, SPOTIFY_MA_PLAYLIST: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_PLAY", payload: (params) => { console.log("SPOTIFY_MA_PLAYLIST") return { context_uri:"spotify:playlist:0bdByehKVfdsfdsfdsOhF5t", // Uri of a personnal playlist or album } }, notification: "SPOTIFY_SHUFFLE", // added this to toogle shuffle notification: "SPOTIFY_NEXT" // added this to not always have the same song starting first } }, SPOTIFY_NEXT: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_NEXT" } }, SPOTIFY_PREVIOUS: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_PREVIOUS" } }, SPOTIFY_VOLUME: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_VOLUME", payload: (params) => { console.log("SPOTIFY_VOLUME @",params) return params[1]; } } }, SPOTIFY_SEARCH: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_SEARCH", payload: (params) => { console.log("SPOTIFY_SEARCH @",params) return { type: "artist,track,album,playlist", query: params[1], random:false, } } } }, SPOTIFY_SEARCH_PLAYLIST: { notificationExec: { notification: "SPOTIFY_SEARCH", payload: (params) => { console.log("SPOTIFY_SEARCH_PLAYLIST @",params) return { type: "playlist", query: params[1], random:true, } } } }, CMD_VOLUME_UP: { notificationExec: { notification: "VOLUME_UP" } }, CMD_VOLUME_DOWN: { notificationExec: { notification: "VOLUME_DOWN" } }, CMD_VOLUME_SET: { notificationExec: { notification: "VOLUME_SET", payload: (params, key) => { console.log("@", params); return params[1]; } } } }, exports.recipe = recipe // Don't remove this line.
This is the error
AMK2] Recipe is loaded: shutdown.js Whoops! There was an uncaught exception... /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-AssistantMk2/recipes/spotify.js:183 exports.recipe = recipe // Don't remove this line. ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token . at new Script (vm.js:74:7) at createScript (vm.js:246:10) at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:298:10) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:678:28) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:722:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:620:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:559:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:551:3) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:658:17) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:20:18) MagicMirror will not quit, but it might be a good idea to check why this happened.