@sdetweil said
- address:“”, // means listen on all adapters, wifi and ethernet if both enabled, WITHOUT having to specify the ACTUAL ip address
port: 8080 // default so you would use your PC browser to connect to the ip address/name of the machine running mm:port number
http://ip_address_or_name:port ipwhitelist:[] // provides a way to allow ONLY specific addresses, ON YOUR NETWORK, to connect to mm.
I’ve tried ipWhitelist “[]” and “[my ipaddress]” and nothing,
but I’m going to try again
- to access disk and have ssh,use bitwise or winscp clients from your PC. will give use ssh window and file manager type access to files on pi
I’m going to give this a shot
- on the restart on change, pm2 seems flaky there.
but I have only configured to watch config.js
to refresh w css just refresh the MM page.
ctrl-r on the MM content, f5 on the dev window content
you can do all the developers window from any pc that can get the MM screen
I’ve been refreshing or closing the MM window
- you can also try my MMM-Config module if you want yo avoid the editing troubles of config.js https://github.com/sdetweil/MMM-Config
I’m going to try that now
thanks a lot.