@kj3rra Not sure that @strawberry-3.141 will agree with the approach, but you can actually achieve the same thing with just CSS animations (and avoid creating a module).

Try either the following in your css/custom.css file:

/* this will cause the image to fade out for about 2 seconds every 2 minutes */ body{ animation: fading 60s infinite alternate; } @keyframes fading { 0%, 98% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } }

- or -

/* this will cause the image to slide down, across 10px after 30 seconds, for 30 seconds, then back up */ body{ animation: slide 60s linear infinite alternate;} @keyframes slide { 0%, 49% { transform: translate(0, 0); } 50%, 100% { transform: translate(10px, 10px); } }

You can adjust the time value (i.e. 60s) to more/less as you like (but be careful, 2% of one hour is over 2 minutes). You can also adjust the percentages, and use decimal percents, like 0.5% if needed. CSS 2D transforms should not take too much memory or cause issues on an RPi. I assume that Chromium/Electron supports CSS 3 animations. YMMV.