@anderios i have worked for the last 3 months to get the calendar module working properly. I think I have solved all the reported problems.
the fixes will be released on Jan 1, but in the meantime you can use the develop branch of the repo which has all the accepted fixes since last release
@shgmongohh too many pir modules
https://github.com/cowboysdude/Pir-Sensor has one
https://github.com/mboskamp/MMM-PIR has one, in callbackscripts folder
@kugelfang said in MMM-MQTT freezes after some time:
I’m running three instances of this plugin, each listening to a different sensor .
Why don’t you use one instance and configure the subscriptions as shown in the Readme? works for me (presently 5 subscriptions in one instance).
sorry for digging this up again but my problem ist still unsolved.
yes, both events are on the same ics!
i just realized that the mirrow shows me the full day events as if they were starting just at midnight. somhow it is not recognized that these are full day events which need to be shown throughout the whole day
@Kugelfang said in Very slow performance on Pi 3:
Any idears how to solve this?
That might be related to this topic. Give it a read and see if it applies to you.