@sdetweil said in MMM-Flights:
@lif can u show the config for this module
module code
* @file MMM-Flights.js
* @author Karsten Hassel
* @license MIT
* @see https://gitlab.com/khassel/MMM-Flights
Module.register("MMM-Flights", {
defaults: {
provider: "flightradar24",
instanceId: "FR", // needs to be set to different values if you run more than 1 instance of this module
// // example for ADSBexchange:
// provider: "ADSBexchange",
// providerApiKey: "your-api-key",
// providerUrl: "https://adsbx-flight-sim-traffic.p.rapidapi.com/api/aircraft/json",
// // example for opensky:
// provider: "opensky",
// providerApiKey: "user:password", //optional, without limited requests
// providerUrl: "https://opensky-network.org/api/states/all",
unknown: "?", // string used if no data available
title: "Flights Above Us",
logoTitle: "fas fa-plane",
logoUp: "fas fa-plane-departure",
logoDown: "fas fa-plane-arrival",
logoTo: "fas fa-arrow-right",
// area defined by a bounding box of WGS84 coordinates (la=latitude, lo=longitude):
laMin: 49.85,
laMax: 50.25,
loMin: 7.8,
loMax: 9.3,
showGrounded: false, // show grounded airplanes
showMap: "ifTraffic", // "always", "never", "ifTraffic"
noFlightsMessage: "Currently no flights in chosen area ...", // message shown if no data available
mapUrl: "https://{a-d}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", // you can bring your own map
// mapAttributions: '',
mapHeight: "300px",
mapFixedArea: true, // if set, the defined area is shown, if not the area is calculated from the plane locations
mapPosition: "bottom", // "top" or "bottom"
// some params to define styles in map:
mapFont: "40% sans-serif",
mapPadding: [1, 5, 0, 7],
mapFontColor: "white",
mapBackgroundColor: "black",
mapCurrentFlightColor: "#9c294f",
mapBackgroundOpacity: 0.9,
mapPlanePngSrc: "modules/MMM-Flights/data/plane.png",
mapPlanePngScale: 0.07,
mapPlaneTextOffset: 4,
useMockData: false, // if set, test data is used
updateInterval: 2 * 60 * 1000, // every 2 minutes
units: "imperial", // metric uses m and km/h, imperial uses ft and mph
module: "MMM-Flights",
position: "center",
config: {
laMin: 45.80,
laMax: 46.0081,
loMin: 0.4674,
loMax: 1.207,
Hope this helps