Here is my full config.js file (without private info):
* The location of the module in which the module will be loaded. Possible values are top_ bar, top_left, top_center, top_right, upper_third,
* middle_center, lower_third, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, bottom_bar, fullscreen_above, and fullscreen_below.
* This field is optional but most modules require this field to set. Check the documentation of the module for more information.
* Multiple modules with the same position will be ordered based on the order in the configuration file.
var config = {
address: "",
port: 8080,
ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1", ""],
language: "nl",
timeFormat: 24,
units: "metric",
modules: [
module: 'MMM-Carousel',
position: 'bottom_bar', // Only required to show navigation
config: {
transitionInterval: 0,
ignoreModules: ['clock', 'alert'],
mode: 'slides',
showPageIndicators: true,
showPageControls: true,
slides: [
['MMM-cryptocurrency', 'worldclock', 'MMM-WunderGround', 'MMM-MyCommute', 'MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall', 'MMM-Hue', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'domoticz', 'MMM-syslog', 'alert', 'updatenotification', 'clock', 'calendar', 'compliments', 'newsfeed'],
['MMM-MovieListings', 'MMM-Scrobbler', 'MMM-ping', 'calendar_monthly', 'MMM-Globe', 'MMM-Tools', 'MMM-soccer', 'clock', 'MMM-syslog', 'alert', 'updatenotification', 'MagicMirror-QuoteCatalog', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast', 'MMM-rainfc']
keyBindingsMode: "DEFAULT",
keyBindings: {
NextSlide: "ArrowRight",
PrevSlide: "ArrowLeft",
Slide0: "Home"
module: 'MMM-KeyBindings',
config: {
enableNotifyServer: false,
enableMousetrap: true,
module: "currentweather",
position: "top_right",
header: "",
config: {
location: "Almere Stad",
locationID: "xxxxxxxx", //ID from
appid: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
decimalSymbol: ","
module: "weatherforecast",
position: "top_right",
header: "Weersvoorspelling",
config: {
location: "Almere Stad",
locationID: "xxxxxxxx", //ID from
appid: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
decimalSymbol: ","
module: "alert",
module: "updatenotification",
position: "top_bar"
module: "clock",
position: "top_left",
config: {
displayType: "both",
analogSize: "150px",
analogFace: "simple",
analogPlacement: "right",
showWeek: "true"
module: "calendar",
header: "Kalender",
position: "top_left",
config: {
calendars: [
symbol: "calendar-check-o ",
url: "webcal://",
symbol: "calendar-check-o ",
url: "https://.ics",
symbol: "calendar-check-o ",
url: "https://basic.ics",
symbol: "calendar-check-o ",
url: "https://calendar.ics",
module: "compliments",
position: "middle_center"
module: 'MMM-MyCommute',
header: 'Het Verkeer',
position: 'bottom_right',
config: {
apikey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
origin: 'xxxx, 1111 xx xxxx',
startTime: '00:00',
endTime: '23:59',
// hideDays: [0,6],
destinations: [
destination: 'Amsterdam Centraal, Stationsplein, Amsterdam',
label: 'Amsterdam',
mode: 'driving',
color: '#82E5AA'
destination: 'Schiphol Airport, Schiphol Boulevard, Amsterdam',
label: 'Schiphol',
mode: 'driving',
color: '#82E5AA'
destination: 'Utrecht Centraal, Utrecht',
label: 'Utrecht',
mode: 'driving',
color: '#82E5AA'
destination: 'Centrum Almere Buiten, Almere',
label: 'Almere-Buiten',
mode: 'bicycling'
module: 'MMM-domoticz/domoticz',
header: 'Smart Home',
position: 'bottom_left',
config: {
apiBase: "",
apiPort: "80",
sensors: [
idx: "71", //Device IDX
symbolon: "fa fa-lock", //font-awesome icon if device is On
symboloff: "fa fa-unlock-alt", //font-awesome icon if device is Off (this will also be used if it is a temperature-de
hiddenon: true, //true = hide if device is on (default: false)
hiddenoff: false, //frue = hide if device is off (default: false)
customTitle: "Alarm Status",
idx: "235",
symbolon: "fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin",
symboloff: "fa fa-circle-o-notch",
customTitle: "Voordeur",
idx: "252",
symbolon: "fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin",
symboloff: "fa fa-circle-o-notch",
hiddenoff: false,
customTitle: "Achterdeur",
idx: "257",
symbolon: "fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin",
symboloff: "fa fa-circle-o-notch",
customTitle: "Schuurdeur",
idx: "262",
symbolon: "fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin",
symboloff: "fa fa-circle-o-notch",
hiddenoff: false,
customTitle: "Raam Beneden",
module: 'MMM-Hue',
position: 'bottom_left',
bridgeip: "",
userid: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
colour: true
module: 'MMM-NetworkScanner',
header: "Who's Home",
position: 'bottom_left',
config: {
devices: [
// { ipAddress: "", name: "Github", icon: "globe"},
// { macAddress: "1a:1b:1c:1a:1b:1c", name: "Server", icon: "server"},
// { macAddress: "2a:2b:2c:2a:2b:2c", name: "Desktop", icon: "desktop"},
// { ipAddress: "", name: "Laptop", icon: "laptop"},
{ macAddress: "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", name: "Galaxy-S8", icon: "mobile"},
showUnknown: false,
showOffline: true,
keepAlive: 600,
updateInterval: 300,
module: "MMM-soccer",
header: "",
position: "bottom_right",
config: {
api_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
colored: "false",
focus_on: "false",
max_teams: "10",
leagues: {"EREDIVISIE": 449},
module: 'MMM-ping',
position: 'bottom_left',
header: 'Network Status',
config: {
colored: 'yes',
display: 'both',
updateInterval: '5',
font: 'medium',
hosts: [
module: 'MMM-Globe',
position: 'middle_center',
config: {
style: 'geoColor',
imageSize: 200,
updateInterval: 10*60*1000
module: "MMM-cryptocurrency",
header: "",
position: "top_left",
config: {
currency: ["bitcoin"],
conversion: "EUR",
showUSD: false,
headers: ['change24h', 'change1h', 'change7d'],
displayType: "logo",
coloredLogos: "true",
showGraphs: true,
fontSize: "medium"
module: 'MMM-syslog',
header: " ",
position: 'bottom_bar',
config: {
max: "1",
// format: ["DD:MM HH:mm"],
types: {INFO: "dimmed", WARNING: "normal", ERROR: "bright"},
alert: "true"
module: 'MagicMirror-QuoteCatalog',
header: '',
position: 'lower_third',
config: {
timeFormat: "20",
fadeSpeed: "5"
module: 'MMM-WunderGround',
position: 'top_right',
config: {
apikey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
pws: 'pws:XXXXXX00',
hourly: '1',
fctext: '1',
fcdaycount: "4",
fcdaystart: "0",
hourlyinterval: "3",
hourlycount: "2",
alerttime: 10000,
alerttruncatestring: "english:",
roundTmpDecs: 1,
coloricon: true,
iconset: "colourful",
UseCardinals: 0,
layout: "horizontal",
debug: 1,
sysstat: 0
module: "MMM-rainfc",
position: "top_right",
header: "Regenvoorspelling",
config: {
lat: "52.39",
lon: "5.29",
width: 200,
height: 100,
lineWidth: 2,
lineColor: "#e0ffe0",
fillColor: "#e0ffe0",
maxPower: 300,
rainText: "Tot: ",
noRainText: "Geen regen tot: ",
nrOfTimeLabels: 5 // advised values: 2-5
module: "newsfeed",
position: "lower_third",
showSourceTitle: true,
showPublishDate: true,
config: {
startTags: "['video','Video','VIDEO']",
feeds: [
title: "NU Algemeen",
url: ""
title: "NU Internet",
url: ""
title: "NU Sport",
url: ""
title: "Ajax Nieuws",
url: ""
title: "",
url: ""
module: 'MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall',
position: "middle_center",
config: {}
module: 'calendar_monthly',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
showHeader: "true",
module: 'worldclock',
position: 'bottom_center',
header: '',
config: {
timeFormat: 'HH:mm A', //defined in moment.js format()
style: 'left', //predefined 4 styles; 'top', 'left','right','bottom'
clocks: [
title: "Amsterdam",
timezone: "Europe/Amsterdam",
flag: "nl",
title: "London",
timezone: "Europe/London",
flag: "gb",
title: "San Jose",
timezone: "America/Los_Angeles",
flag: "us",
title: "Dubai",
timezone: "Asia/Dubai",
flag: "ae",
module: 'MMM-MovieListings',
position: 'bottom_center',
config: {
apiKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
region: 'NL',
language: 'nl-NL',
interface: 'poster', //'list', 'poster', 'detailed'
includeMoviePlot: true,
maxPlotLength: 198,
header: 'Movies Near You',
moviesPerPage: 0,
refreshInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, //Once a day
baseUrl: '',
animationSpeed: 2.5 * 1000,
pageChangeInterval: 35 * 1000
module: 'MMM-Scrobbler',
position: 'upper_third',
config: {
username: 'marcnlx',
apikey: '1a71a102c5d07a998a44bd2d9dfaf513',
//time interval to search for new song (every 15 seconds)
updateInterval: 15 * 1000,
//how often should we try to retrieve a song if not listening
delayCount: 5,
//time interval to search for new song if the 5 times not listening is received.
//set this to the same number as updateInterval to ignore this option
delayInterval: 120*1000,
animationSpeed: 1000,
showAlbumArt: true,
showMetaData: true,
//Determines the position of the meta text. Possible values: top, bottom, left, right
alignment: "right",
/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}