@mrmidi damn you guys make me setup my whole stuff on a pc again :face_with_tears_of_joy:
Awesome work
only question i have is how will you mount the controller?
@mrmidi damn you guys make me setup my whole stuff on a pc again :face_with_tears_of_joy:
Awesome work
only question i have is how will you mount the controller?
@Sean I know the trouble gets a nightmare to maintain code thats not splitted properly
@Sean I especially love how you splitted the single parts into different Modules, so you can easily use parts of your stuff without having to edit the code first :)
I did not use a USB mic with my raspberry pi yet, but one directly attached to the GPIO pins, but from what I heard a USB mic works but might have a bit more delay. Sound via HDMI worked perfectly fine for me
For the Display it’s important to have a good black, so the mirror does not shine a lot in the black parts (especially when the monitor is not covering the whole visible area. A high brightness would be good aswell, since the mirror makes it a lot darker.
Port location it would be optimal if they are not facing to the back, because the cables will make it quite thick.
I don’t use any nline voice recognitions because of the privacy issue. However I guess both should work with MM2. I guess the most important question there is wether you prefer one of them (or maybe already have hardware like echos at home, since it makes no sence to have multiple different voice systems at home)
looks like a cool idea
(you really don’t care about news & Opinion :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: )
Well you could just add some code to your other modules to hide them when they are set up and let your gif module send a message to the other modules to show after the gif finished. (How sending these messages and reacting to them to show/hide modules works you can see quite well in Mykles Hello Lucy module, where he uses them to hide/show modules according to voice commands)
np had the same problem and figured I could solve it that way ;)
Only problem is that they are really just hidden, so I have no basically ten empty pages and still the 99+ messages message xD
Well thats problem is already here for quite a while, although it has never been that extreme ^^
A block button to hide all posts of a person would be awesome xD
Oh wait that seems to exist :)