Did anyone every create the TickTick module?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Remember the Milk
Anyone got a current module for remember the milk? I found https://github.com/aranel616/rtm-js but it is archived and 9 years old. Is there a working one anywhere someone might know of?
RE: 2 Calendar modules do not line up
I never resolved the problem either. I went ahead and just used a single module for my purposes. -
RE: Rolling Calendar
When I was running MMM–CalendarExt2 as shown in https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/11001/config-for-a-simple-clean-montly-calendar?_=1604002766358.
As I recall the current week was always the first row in the calendar and it showed the next 6 weeks below that. I don’t recall for sure that it worked that way but seem to recall it working that way. As you can see in the screenshot Wed the 11th is highlighted and it is in the first row.
RE: Config for a simple clean montly calendar
I believe one of these should probably work:
.CX2 .today .slotHeader {
background: rgba(64,64,64,0.8);
color: #000;
}.CX2 .today .slotHeader .slotTitle {
color: #FFF;
}.CX2 .today .slotContent {
background: #eeeeee69;
#border: 1px solid white;
} -
RE: Config for a simple clean montly calendar
I am not quite sure what you mean by the Event-Bar. Is that the height of a row or title size or what exactly are you talking about? I no longer use the calendar as my needs were only for about 1 years time but might be able to help if you can tell me exactly what part you need to modify. -
RE: Config for a simple clean montly calendar
Take a look at https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/11001/config-for-a-simple-clean-montly-calendar/8 as it has the css and necessary config needed.
RE: Config for a simple clean montly calendar
By logo do you mean the legend that is below the calendar event details on the right-hand side of the screen? If so then that is using the MMM-SimpleLogo module with the below config and an image that is 294x135 pixels.
{ module: "MMM-SimpleLogo", disabled: false, position: "top_right", config: { position: "right", text: "", width: "250px" }
Note that the width: 250px is used so that it will be centered within the right-hand “column”.
RE: Any simple clean monthly calendar display (with google events)
Take a look at the thread at https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/11001/config-for-a-simple-clean-montly-calendar which was the same question but under a different heading and got more response. I ended up using MMM-CalendarExt2 and custom css. I don’t recall having a problem with the time info not displaying myself though.
RE: Config for a simple clean montly calendar
In my case it was mostly trial and error. I am not a css guru by any stretch of the imagination. You might want to take a look at https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/6808/css-101-getting-started-with-css-and-understanding-how-css-works which has some tips.