Here ya go!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

MagicPlugins - Snow Module by Nicholas Hubbard
Here is a module I created:
It allows you, for people with not-so-good screens or that want to get festive, display snow in the background of your mirror.Try it out sometime!
Well, that’s the repository, but the actual module is in thesnow
Initial Version
RE: Amazon Echo/Alexa
I was thinking more like, but that would be a little complicated to add. It requires you to make your own system, but you could automate anything you want using your mirror as the audio input source!
RE: Where to buy good two way mirrors ?
@MichMich I’m assuming you mean the ± symbol. That’s fine, I just like correcting people. :smile:
RE: Introduce yourself!
Hi! My name is Nicholas Hubbard. I’m currently 14 years old, I love to program and I am an active contributor to Magic Mirror. I have written my own modules, and I actually gave my mom a Magic Mirror for her birthday.
I love the Raspberry Pi (I’m begging for my mom to allow me to use the multiple Amazon gift cards I have to buy a model 3) and I have done several “home” movies (e.g. vacations), worked on multiple projects before and love computers in general.
P.S. The favorite activity of my friends when we were three years old was Little People. I unwound and rewound cords.