I think No windowing system, writing face.jpg image
means that you runing the tool in a terminal which have no window. Means he can’t open a window to show you the output of the camera, in this case he will only capture a photo and save it to face.jpg
File "facerecognition.py", line 153, in
TypeError: clean_shutdown() takes exactly 2 arguments (0 given)
This error looks like a problem in the module itself.
def clean_shutdown(signum, frame):
They need two arguments, this looks like a function which are used as a callback and he try to run it directly without any parameters.
Do you use Phyton 3? Maybe you use the old one and that can’t handle that.
I use https://github.com/normyx/MMM-Facial-Recognition-OCV3 which include this module and another. Maybe you should try this, it has a good how to. It works well on my Mirror.
I hope i helped you.
Kind Regards,