@Nneuland you don’t need to worry about dependencies, just clone the module in the modules folder, do npm install and then add the config, with the proper token
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Nneuland are you adding your own token? Request is deprecated yeah, but still works… some day I’ll update it to something else, but for now…
RE: Need more compliments? compliments.json
@amanzimdwini I always use it locally, github is just a place for sharing it, so you are doing the right thing. You can always fork it to keep your personal compliments safe, but that’s up to you.
To use it, copy the file to somewhere (ie, in the compliments module folder: modules/default/compliments/compliments.js) and use it in your config like this:
{ module: "compliments", position: "bottom_bar", disabled: false, config: { remoteFile: "compliments.json", updateInterval: 10000, classes: "thin bright medium", fadeSpeed: 2000, }, },
Good luck!
This is just a small module that tracks the progress of the year / month / week.
It’s based on all this existing websites / apps, so thanks to them for the inspiration:
Progress BarScreenshots:
RE: 22'' Display + 40cmx50cm IKEA Frame + PIR Sensor
@poopyurinal Just " No more nails" from unibond, but any wood glue will work. I don’t recommend superglue though…
RE: Worldclock & Currency
@yawns You can always use https://exchangeratesapi.io/ if you don’t want to make people get an apiKey…
RE: MMM-Humanize-Duration
@andurii Thanks!
Using another language is really easy (thanks to HumanizeDuration.js): Just pass language as an option, like:
options: { units: ["y", "mo", "w", "d", "h"], round: true, language: 'de', conjunction: ' and ', serialComma: false, },
I just had a baby, and I wanted a geeky way to keep track of his exact age, so…
You can also use it to track any other past (or future) events!
Underneath, it’s just a simple wrapper around HumanizeDuration.jsScreenshots: