@paphko With you Update everything works as expected!!!
Again, thank you very much for your help and the effort you put in your module!
Best regards
@paphko With you Update everything works as expected!!!
Again, thank you very much for your help and the effort you put in your module!
Best regards
@paphko Thank you very much for your effort. I’ll give it a try and report on the outcome!
@paphko I tried you hint with the following result:
[{"link":"","state":"ON","type":"Switch","name":"ExtendedColorLight_Color","label":"Color","category":"ColorLight","tags":[],"groupNames":[]},{"link":"","state":"ON","type":"Switch","name":"SOFA_Switch","label":"Color","category":"ColorLight","tags":[],"groupNames":[]},{"link":"","state":"274,87,24","type":"Color","name":"SOFA_Color","label":"Color","category":"ColorLight","tags":[],"groupNames":[]},{"link":"","state":"0","type":"Dimmer","name":"SOFA_ColorTemperature","label":"Color Temperature","category":"ColorLight","tags":[],"groupNames":[]}]
Basically it shows two items at the moment, both created with PaperUI. I still don’t undertsand why the file based setup/configuration is not working. I wouldn’t mind if th efloorplan integration would work but still doesn’t. I added the two items to the config.js but without success. I checked the pm2 logs to see the follwoing error:
0|mm | TypeError: Cannot read property 'statusCode' of undefined
0|mm | at Request._callback (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/mmm-openhabfloorplan/node_helper.js:38:65)
0|mm | at self.callback (/home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/request/request.js:186:22)
0|mm | at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
0|mm | at Request.emit (events.js:188:7)
0|mm | at Request.onRequestError (/home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/request/request.js:845:8)
0|mm | at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
0|mm | at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:188:7)
0|mm | at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:308:9)
0|mm | at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
0|mm | at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
Note: I already modified the mmm-openhabfloorplan.js according to your other thread. Unfortunatelly I cannot attach the files here - If required I can post the sourcecode.
Any idea ?
@paphko thanks for the hint. I will try it this afternoon and come back with the result.
I reinstalled a clean Jessie on the Raspi and installed Openhab according to the guide on the openhab.org homepage.
This time I did not install anything via PAPERUI besides the HUE Binding. I copied my item/things/sitemap files as described above to the openhab2 folder.
Checking the PAPERUI on localhost:8080 shows that the the bridge and lights get listet under the THINGS menue but no items appear.
When I link one of the lights with a “new item” I can see the item but with a confusing name. I can control it with openhab though.
Your hint with checking the status in the browser just gives me this:
"error": {
"message": "Item L_HUE_STRIP_Toggle does not exist!",
"http-code": 404
Accordingly in the Magicmirror no connection is made.
Is this a basic OpenHab setup or configuration error?
Note: trying to change the name of the item manually resutls in a “conflict error”
Sorry for the long post. Any help is appreciated!
As additional Information here my OpenHab configuration:
Bridge hue:bridge:1 [ ipAddress="" ]
0100 L_HUE_BEDROOM_WHITE_Toggle [ lightId="1" ]
0210 L_HUE_BEDROOM_COLOR_Toggle [ lightId="2" ]
0210 L_HUE_STRIP_Toggle [ lightId="3" ]
0210 L_HUE_WZ-MITTE_Toggle [ lightId="4" ]
0210 L_HUE_ZELT_Toggle [ lightId="5" ]
0200 L_HUE_IRIS_Toggle [ lightId="6" ]
0210 L_HUE_SOFA_Toggle [ lightId="7" ]
0210 L_HUE_ESSECKE_Toggle [ lightId="8" ]
0100 L_HUE_ESSTISCH_Toggle [ lightId="9" ]
0100 L_HUE_KUECHE_Toggle [ lightId="10" ]
sitemap lights label="Main Menu"
Frame {
Switch item= L_HUE_SOFA_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_SOFA_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_STRIP_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_ZELT_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_IRIS_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_ESSECKE_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_ESSTISCH_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_WZ-MITTE_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_KUECHE_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_BEDROOM_COLOR_Toggle
Switch item= L_HUE_BEDROOM_WHITE_Toggle
Switch L_HUE_BEDROOM_WHITE_Toggle { channel="hue:0100:0017881c28a8:1:brightness" }
Switch L_HUE_BEDROOM_COLOR_Toggle { channel="hue:0210:0017881c28a8:2:color" }
Switch L_HUE_STRIP_Toggle { channel="hue:0210:0017881c28a8:3:color" }
Switch L_HUE_WZ-MITTE_Toggle { channel="hue:0210:0017881c28a8:4:color" }
Switch L_HUE_ZELT_Toggle { channel="hue:0210:0017881c28a8:5:color" }
Switch L_HUE_IRIS_Toggle { channel="hue:0200:0017881c28a8:6:color" }
Switch L_HUE_SOFA_Toggle { channel="hue:0210:0017881c28a8:7:color" }
Switch L_HUE_ESSECKE_Toggle { channel="hue:0210:0017881c28a8:8:color" }
Switch L_HUE_ESSTISCH_Toggle { channel="hue:0100:0017881c28a8:9:brightness" }
Switch L_HUE_KUECHE_Toggle { channel="hue:0100:0017881c28a8:10:brightness" }
Strangly the Config via files seems not to work as the “L_ZELT” item was configured via the PAPERUI and the files are obviously ignored:
"error": {
"message": "Item L_HUE_ZELT_Toggle does not exist!",
"http-code": 404
I found the Openhab on the raspberry in:
Is this the correct location?
Thanks for any help!
@paphko When I adjust your link with one of my items I get the following result:
"link": "",
"state": "ON",
"type": "Switch",
"name": "L_ZELT",
"label": "Switch_Zelt",
"category": "Light",
"tags": [],
"groupNames": []
Adding the Light in the config.js is still not working.
Here the config code:
//------------- OPENHAB FLOORPLAN ----------------------------------------------------------
module: 'mmm-openhabfloorplan',
position: 'bottom_center', // this can be any of the regions
config: {
updateInterval: 60 * 60 * 1000, // refreshing all windows / lights / labels once per hour; 0 to disable periodic update
draft: false, // if true, all lights, windows, and label names are shown; if false, get states from openhab
openhab: {
url: "http://localhost:8080", // must not have a trailing slash!
floorplan: {
image: "egog2.png", // image in subfolder 'images'; change to floorplan.png to avoid git repository changes
width: 800, // this must be the width of the image above
height: 333, // this must be the height of the image above
light: { // this part shows default settings for lights; may optionally be overwritten
image: "light.png", // located in subfolder 'images'
width: 19, // image width
height: 19, // image height
lights: { // list all light items to be shown (must be of openhab type Switch or Dimmer)
//=== ERDGESCHOSS ================
L_ZELT: {left:200, top:05},
L_ZELT_Toggle: {left:200, top:05},
windows: { // list all window / door contacts to be shown (must be of openhab type Switch or Contact)
// openhab item: left, top, radius (draws quadrant), midPoint, and optionally counterwindow and color
// Reed_Sleeping_right: { left: 12, top: 231, radius: 30, midPoint: "top-left" },
// openhab item: left, top, width, height (draws rectangle), and optionally color
// Reed_Sleeping_left: { left: 90, top: 301, width: 37, height: 20 },
labels: { // list all strings to be shown (may probably be any openhab type, resonable for String and Number)
// openhab item: left, top, and optionally color, font size, prefix, postfix, and number of decimals for floating numbers
//Temperature_Entry: { left: 162, top: 280 },
//Temperature_Bath: { left: 277, top: 280, postfix: "°C", decimals: 1 },
Configuring the module as draft shows all configured lights correctly.
Is there anything I am missing?
Having the same issue here with OpenHab2 running on a seperate Pi. I am using Philipps Hue and can control the lights via OpenHab but I cannot get the states with the Magic Mirror.
Anyone have any suggestions?