@sharmstr I use a respeaker.
For this demo I’m on pico for the tts and google for the stt.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: My small but smart mirror :)
RE: Kalliope assistant + MM
@maxbachmann Yes you can choose your STT and TTS engine. Some are cloud based and some can be self hosted.
My small but smart mirror :)
Hello guys !! Here is my small but smart mirror.
Démo vidéo with the assistant:
- clock
- weather
- kalliope
- barometer
- quote of the day
The assistant is installed on the same Rpi. Kalliope.
RE: Kalliope assistant + MM
Kalliope v0.5.1 has been released with all stuff needed to integrate Magic Mirror.
RE: MMM-quote-of-the-day
@jazzkitt Weird, I haven’t had this issue so far. Did you try with a small update delay to see if it’s a connection issue or something like that?
MMM-BMP-sensor (Barometer)
Hello guys, a little module to start transforming your MM into a weather station.
Best practices for storing data / database
I’m working on a module that will need to store data into a database.Is there a best practice on Magic Mirrror for that? Or I jut need to install a lib which could do the job like nedb?
I’m looking for a lightweight timeseries database to store a float every X seconds.
RE: gauge.js
It’s good it works!! For the last lib I just forgot to call the draw method.
RE: gauge.js
I tried with another lib called canvas-gauges. It’s the same. The canvas doesn’t appear on the screen
I’m wondering if a parent CSS config or something like could be the reason.