I made the change and it first showed correctly, but when I refresh any one of the client, the other client is getting both the calendars. What is wrong? Here is my updated calendar.js as suggested by you.
/* global CalendarUtils */
Module.register("calendar", {
// Define module defaults
defaults: {
maximumEntries: 10, // Total Maximum Entries
maximumNumberOfDays: 365,
limitDays: 0, // Limit the number of days shown, 0 = no limit
pastDaysCount: 0,
displaySymbol: true,
defaultSymbol: "calendar-alt", // Fontawesome Symbol see https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet?from=io
defaultSymbolClassName: "fas fa-fw fa-",
showLocation: false,
displayRepeatingCountTitle: false,
defaultRepeatingCountTitle: "",
maxTitleLength: 25,
maxLocationTitleLength: 25,
wrapEvents: false, // Wrap events to multiple lines breaking at maxTitleLength
wrapLocationEvents: false,
maxTitleLines: 3,
maxEventTitleLines: 3,
fetchInterval: 60 * 60 * 1000, // Update every hour
animationSpeed: 2000,
fade: true,
fadePoint: 0.25, // Start on 1/4th of the list.
urgency: 7,
timeFormat: "relative",
dateFormat: "MMM Do",
dateEndFormat: "LT",
fullDayEventDateFormat: "MMM Do",
showEnd: false,
getRelative: 6,
hidePrivate: false,
hideOngoing: false,
hideTime: false,
hideDuplicates: true,
showTimeToday: false,
colored: false,
forceUseCurrentTime: false,
tableClass: "small",
calendars: [
symbol: "calendar-alt",
url: "https://www.calendarlabs.com/templates/ical/US-Holidays.ics"
customEvents: [
// Array of {keyword: "", symbol: "", color: "", eventClass: ""} where Keyword is a regexp and symbol/color/eventClass are to be applied for matched
{ keyword: ".*", transform: { search: "De verjaardag van ", replace: "" } },
{ keyword: ".*", transform: { search: "'s birthday", replace: "" } }
locationTitleReplace: {
"street ": ""
broadcastEvents: true,
excludedEvents: [],
sliceMultiDayEvents: false,
broadcastPastEvents: false,
nextDaysRelative: false,
selfSignedCert: false,
coloredText: false,
coloredBorder: false,
coloredSymbol: false,
coloredBackground: false,
limitDaysNeverSkip: false,
flipDateHeaderTitle: false,
updateOnFetch: true,
useIPAddress: false,// add config var
timerHandle:null, // add this
ourIPAddress:null, // add this
requiresVersion: "2.1.0",
// Define required scripts.
getStyles () {
return ["calendar.css", "font-awesome.css"];
// Define required scripts.
getScripts () {
return ["calendarutils.js", "moment.js"];
// Define required translations.
getTranslations () {
// The translations for the default modules are defined in the core translation files.
// Therefore we can just return false. Otherwise we should have returned a dictionary.
// If you're trying to build your own module including translations, check out the documentation.
return false;
// Override start method.
startup () {
//const ip = settings.detectIp(req)
Log.info(`Starting module: ${this.name}`);
Log.info(`Vijay starup Starting module: ${this.name}`);
if (this.config.colored) {
Log.warn("Your are using the deprecated config values 'colored'. Please switch to 'coloredSymbol' & 'coloredText'!");
this.config.coloredText = true;
this.config.coloredSymbol = true;
if (this.config.coloredSymbolOnly) {
Log.warn("Your are using the deprecated config values 'coloredSymbolOnly'. Please switch to 'coloredSymbol' & 'coloredText'!");
this.config.coloredText = false;
this.config.coloredSymbol = true;
// Set locale.
moment.updateLocale(config.language, CalendarUtils.getLocaleSpecification(config.timeFormat));
// clear data holder before start
this.calendarData = {};
// indicate no data available yet
this.loaded = false;
// data holder of calendar url. Avoid fade out/in on updateDom (one for each calendar update)
this.calendarDisplayer = {};
this.config.calendars.forEach((calendar) => {
calendar.url = calendar.url.replace("webcal://", "http://");
const calendarConfig = {
maximumEntries: calendar.maximumEntries,
maximumNumberOfDays: calendar.maximumNumberOfDays,
pastDaysCount: calendar.pastDaysCount,
broadcastPastEvents: calendar.broadcastPastEvents,
selfSignedCert: calendar.selfSignedCert,
excludedEvents: calendar.excludedEvents,
fetchInterval: calendar.fetchInterval
if (typeof calendar.symbolClass === "undefined" || calendar.symbolClass === null) {
calendarConfig.symbolClass = "";
if (typeof calendar.titleClass === "undefined" || calendar.titleClass === null) {
calendarConfig.titleClass = "";
if (typeof calendar.timeClass === "undefined" || calendar.timeClass === null) {
calendarConfig.timeClass = "";
// we check user and password here for backwards compatibility with old configs
if (calendar.user && calendar.pass) {
Log.warn("Deprecation warning: Please update your calendar authentication configuration.");
calendar.auth = {
user: calendar.user,
pass: calendar.pass
let ip_match = false;
const client_ip_for_this_calendar = this.getCalendarProperty(calendar.url, "ipaddress", null)
ip_match = client_ip_for_this_calendar.includes(this.ourIPAddress)
if(this.config.useIPAddress == false || ip_match==true)
this.addCalendar(calendar.url, calendar.auth, calendarConfig); // old original line
//this.addCalendar(calendar.url, calendar.auth, calendarConfig);
// for backward compatibility titleReplace
if (typeof this.config.titleReplace !== "undefined") {
Log.warn("Deprecation warning: Please consider upgrading your calendar titleReplace configuration to customEvents.");
for (const [titlesearchstr, titlereplacestr] of Object.entries(this.config.titleReplace)) {
this.config.customEvents.push({ keyword: ".*", transform: { search: titlesearchstr, replace: titlereplacestr } });
// Override socket notification handler.
socketNotificationReceived (notification, payload) {
if (notification === "FETCH_CALENDAR") {
this.sendSocketNotification(notification, { url: payload.url, id: this.identifier });
if (this.identifier !== payload.id) {
if (notification === "CALENDAR_EVENTS") {
Log.warn("Calendar Events called Vijay");
if (this.hasCalendarURL(payload.url)) {
this.calendarData[payload.url] = payload.events;
this.error = null;
this.loaded = true;
if (this.config.broadcastEvents) {
if (!this.config.updateOnFetch) {
if (this.calendarDisplayer[payload.url] === undefined) {
// calendar will never displayed, so display it
// set this calendar as displayed
this.calendarDisplayer[payload.url] = true;
} else {
Log.debug("[Calendar] DOM not updated waiting self update()");
} else if (notification === "CALENDAR_ERROR") {
let error_message = this.translate(payload.error_type);
this.error = this.translate("MODULE_CONFIG_ERROR", { MODULE_NAME: this.name, ERROR: error_message });
this.loaded = true;
eventEndingWithinNextFullTimeUnit (event, ONE_DAY) {
const now = new Date();
return event.endDate - now <= ONE_DAY;
if(notification === 'ALL_MODULES_STARTED') {
// if we are using ip address checking
Log.info(`Vijay Calling : ${this.name}`);
console.log("Vijay : Calendar notificationReceived called");
console.log("Vijay : Calendar Using IP Address");
// find our dependent module in config.js, returns an array []
let m = MM.getModules().withClass("getip");
// if getip is not disabled
if((m[0].disabled == undefined || (m[0].disabled != undefined && m[0].disabled == false)) ){
// start a timer to wait for getip to finish
this.timerHandle = setInterval(()=>{
// get its dom content
let client_ip = document.getElementById("getip_address")
// if we found id
if(client_ip !== null){
// stop the timer
// save our IP address, only need to look it up once
// call startup
}, 500)
// didn't start a timer, module not found
if(this.timerHandle === null){
// didn't find getip
// module not found, can't do this later either
// turn off address checking
this.config.useIPAddress = false;
// start fetching calendars
Log.info(`Vijay No timer, useIP set to false: ${this.name}`);
// use old approach
Log.info(`Vijay timer available : ${this.name}`);
Please let me know if I have to do something about this.