I’ve got the magicmirror software built as a container and deployed to a kubernetes (k3s) cluster. For the front end I’ve got a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4G RAM running Bullseye and Chromium automatically on boot and this same pi is also one of the nodes in the k3s cluster so it’s often the case that the magic mirror server is running on the same machine as the browser showing it.
Occasionally the mirror freezes and stops updating but even while this is the case I can still connect to the mm server from another computer so the server is fine, the issue seems to be client side. Before I switched to the k3s deployment if the mirror froze I’d tell family members it was ok to just unplug/replug the pi but now that other things could be affected I’d rather not do that.
I’m not sure if the Chromium browser is actually crashing or if it is possible that once a periodic update fails for whatever reason that mm doesn’t get updates after that.
So has anyone implemented some kind of watchdog that will restart the browser in such a situation or some kind of plugin for mm that forces a major refresh every once in a while just in case things froze?