@Sean I dont care about the other modules as I would have them off during rotation. Can notifications be sent out of MM to an arduino?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
@sdetweil I have the arduino and stepper motor all working and I see he has the orientation labeled in his javascript code but I have no idea how to get the mmm google photos JS to send a command to the arduino motor. Im not a real coder I can just play with other peoples code a bit.
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
Any idea how I can get the monitor to rotate like this guy did except I want to use google photos? He created the code for arduino to rotate but the pi has to send a signal based on rotation of the photo.
https://hackaday.io/project/16291-flipframe -
Is there a way to temporarily disable a module?
I installed MMM PIR Sensor and I installed MMM-ModuleScheduler thinking I can disable the PIR function at certain times. I see now that while you can control show and hide of modules you dont have the option to turn them off. Was wondering if there was a way to disable a module somehow?
RE: {HowTo} turn on/off your monitor (Time based, PIR/Button, App)
The script works as intended but I would like to use the module.
The module doesnt turn off my monitor. I have the correct pin labeled.
What else can I check? Where is the python code for the module? is there a pir.py file somewhere? -
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
@jomwells @Sean
I seem to have always had this problem where after a reboot I sometimes need to manually change the hardware number of my usb mic. I saw @jomwells wrote a fix by changing the .asoundrc file but for some reason my system always changes the asoundrc back after any changes I make.
I wonder if you have any ideas of a fix for me? -
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
@yupwho any luck with the dithering issue? I seem to be getting them on specific pictures although im not sure why just those.
RE: MMM-AssistantMk2
Thanks again for all the work and help
So how would I get assistant module to disable and enable the google photo module?
I would like to speak “Hide Photos” and the Google Photos will stop displaying.
I know I need transition hook and command
I tried learning how to do this using your example of hide clock except after I added the code nothing happened. When I say “hide clock” it searches google for hide clock instead of turning off module. So I must be doing something wrong
BTW the hide all command works fine. -
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
Is there a way to use this as fullscreen and have all the other modules still readable by putting a dark mask behind them?