Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Besides your MagicMirror, what are some Maker-projects you worked/working on?
I have a new Project where i am currently working on
Found an beautiful Loewe Opta Radio from 1969 (R154) from ebay for cheap money. It should work as an Bedroom Radio with an alarmclock and Internetradio. Also it should include an receiver for the audio of my bedroom beamer and audio output to extern speakers. Also i want standalone usability so it has to include an toucscreen. The original Buttons, which have an great oldschool feeling should also have fully functionality.
The Original Board, which i built out from the frame. Radiotechnik from the Seventys!
100 Watt
Receiver built in the frame
Actually i wait for parts…
Moin moin!
Now I have managed to finally integrate the spotify connect server . Although is probably not an elegant solution but hey , it works… I used an iframe therefore. I can control this with the normal Spotify App
First of all is to install the Spotify Server. I used this tutorial:
I would recommend that the automatic start is delayed with 120 seconds , as otherwise the scs will launch before the magic mirror and there will no frame. When the server is running i got a new webpage running on the Raspberry with http://localhost:4000
I tried to extract the data for the actual playing title with curl but i am not an app programmer, so i used an frame instead.To change the background of the SCS webpage and get it compatible to the MagicMirror i added the next to
sudo nano ./spotify-connect-web-chroot/usr/src/app/templates/index.html.container{ padding-left: 0px; } .container:after{ background-colour: black!important; padding-left: 0px; } body { width: 450px; background-color: black; font-family:"robot"; font-color: white; } .well{ background-color: black; border: none } .thumbnail{ background-color: black; border: none } .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: "roboto"; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.1; color: white; } .thumbnail a>img, .thumbnail>img { margin-right: auto; margin-left: 20px; height: 100px; } .text-center { text-align: left; } .col-sm-6{ padding-left: 0px; } p { margin: 0 0 10px; visibility: hidden; }
And at the MagicMirror Index.html i added this:
'<div class="region bottom left"><div class="container"><iframe width="450" height="315" src="http://localhost:4000" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>'
et voilà
Maybe someone knows a better solution?
Note from Moderator: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading.
RE: Current weather problems
I think he found the problem. My girlfriend asked me also what is wrong with the clock on the right side… :smile:
Left side: Clock
Right side: Sunrise/Sunset Time
RE: Tomekkk's Mirror
Thanks paviro, it is the Philips Hue System, witch i have in my whole flat. So i can control it over Android.
Additional i installed an Switch, which should control the Light and the Standby for the LCD over CEC with the Raspberry.
Also i have some time to construct the Frame with GoogleSketchUp.
Work will go on…
Philips Hue Light Switches based wakeup
i need some help with an Python Script which should wake up the Mirror by pressing the button. I got some Philips Hue Light Switches but have trouble to curl the right data. I think the switch is pretty good for this, because no installation is needed.
The Script should wake up the Mirror with libcec over HDMI, also turn the LCD off in Standby by pressing the button.
In the Philips Hue Bridge i have whitelisted the Pi and with curl i can read the last Buttonevents of the right switch over the existing API (http://192.168.X.XXX/api/WBLuUNIQUEUSERIDbdQ0-iEetTe5/sensors/5)
This Site gave me the following JSON Data:
{„state": {"buttonevent":1002,"lastupdated":"2016-05-04T15:00:51"},"config":{"on":true,"battery":100,"reachable":true},"name":"Hue dimmer switch 1","type":"ZLLSwitch","modelid":"RWL021","manufacturername":"Philips","swversion":"","uniqueid":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
buttonevent 1002 is for turn on and 4002 is for turn off
So i worked on a script which will should check all 10 seconds the Buttonstatus and regarding this Wake Up the LCD.
import urllib2 import time def SensorState( SensorName ): s = "buttonevent\":" a = urllib2.urlopen("http://192.168.X.XXX/api/monitor/sensors/" + SensorName ).read() b = a.find(s) + len(s) e = a.find(",",b) return a[b:e]; while 1 == 1: lastState = SensorState("2") while (SensorState ("2") == lastState): time.sleep(0.5) print "State Changed!" + SensorState("2")
For LIBCEC the action for Turn on is
echo "on 0" | sudo cec-client -s -d 1
andecho "standby 0" | sudo cec-client -s -d 1
to turn it off.Over SSH all commands will work good on its own, but i need a script…
It is my first time with Phyton, the Script should be easy for someone with more experience in this. Maybe someone could help mit with this?Thank you for your help!
Moin from Hamburg,
i need help with the Withings Scale. is an API ( and i try to write my own CustomCSS to get the actual weight and some stats at the Mirror.
Unfortunately, I 'm apparently too stupid for this. Maybe someone with more Skills have the same problem?Thank you in advance!
Tomekkk's Mirror
Hello folks!
First of all i want to thank Michael and Paul-Vincent for all the work with the Mirror and Software!
I startet with my own Wordpress based Interface for the Mirror, but got many errors regarding the locale Server and the other uses of the raspberry. So i decided to use Michaels Script wich will work perfect!The Mirror is based on an old 32 " LCD. On next hardware steps i will make an frame and hide the holder of the LCD. For the Scripts i try to integrate Jasper for controlling light, news, spotify (Spotify Standalone Server) and additional fun.