@j-e-f-f - Thanks for creating this module.
I have a question - is it possible to use the Origin property inside the destination objects? The use case is that i’ll like to display the commute to work in the morning and in the evening display the traffic back from work. I believe this will be possible if origin can be defined at each destination level.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-MyCommute
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
@sean Thanks for the details - agreed! I am going to experiment with various config values and picture types. Awesome work with the module - works out of the box as expected!
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
@bhepler Thanks! Removing it seemed to worsen the quality. I think I am going to experiment with different values here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolution#Common_display_resolutions.
I have tried the 2560*1440 and it looks little bit better.Still looking if there is a more definite solution.
RE: MMM-GooglePhotos
@Sean , thanks a ton for this great module. My wife would have never been ok with a Smart display in our family room without having family pictures on it.
I have MMM-Google photos on full screen mode (monitor is in portrait mode). It works perfectly as expected - although the pictures come up as pixelated or not as sharp in lower resolution. All photos in my configured album are uploaded in full resolution. Is there any way to display it in high(est/er) resolution?My configuration is as below:-
{ module: "MMM-GooglePhotos", position: "fullscreen_below", config: { albumId: "XXXXX", // your album id from result of `auth_and_test.js` refreshInterval: 1000*60, scanInterval: 1000*60*10, // too many scans might cause API quota limit also. //note(2018-07-29). It is some weird. API documents said temporal image url would live for 1 hour, but it might be broken shorter. So, per 10 min scanning could prevent dead url. sort: "random", //'time', 'reverse', 'random' showWidth: "100%", // how large the photo will be shown as. (e.g;'100%' for fullscreen) showHeight: "100%", originalWidthPx: 1920, // original size of loaded image. (related with image quality) originalHeightPx: 1080, // Bigger size gives you better quality, but can give you network burden. mode: "hybrid", // "cover" or "contain" (https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background-size.asp) //ADDED. "hybrid" : if you set as "hybrid" it will change "cover" and "contain" automatically by aspect ratio. } },