What about https://volumio.org/ ?
But i can’t tell if you could run both on one pi, but this would be great!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: Music with smartphone to Pi
RE: Image Galery
@Mephiston2K : haha, that’s a good one :D this would be great with 3D tracking via camera ;)
RE: Halloween mirror ghouls anyone?
I like it! What about the zombie invasion DVD on the MM, every day when a new Walking Dead episode is online on netflix? :D
RE: Spotify Now Playing feed
Glad i could help :)
Sadly I’M not able to get it to work ^^ My Spotify won’t synch with last.fm, but i don’t know why…
RE: MMM-Soccer - Standings, Schedules and Top Scorers
hey :)
thats a really nice addition with the compact view! i like the highlighting of the focussed team!
another idea would be the possibility to highlight that one team in the complete list too, to see your favourite team faster :) -
RE: Besides your MagicMirror, what are some Maker-projects you worked/working on?
waaah <3 that gamebooy :D i want to make an N64 out of a pi soon
RE: MMM-Instagram - Pull and animate photos from Instagram feed
Wow, thanks for that great module :)
I had problems getting a api key, but then i found this helpful link, maybe it helps others: http://jelled.com/instagram/access-token
But i have a little problem with my pictures: on not-square pics i get ugly white bars :/ do you know a way to turn those of / make them black?
RE: The Toon MagicMirror Module
Nice one :) The percentage bar is made in the module itself? I think i have to steal this for my (planned) loxone home automation module :D