The MirrorCommandLine package was introduced here in a previous post describing its features and installation. MirrorCommandLine has been renamed MirrorCommand with many new features added and installation packages available in Debian and RPM formats. This post is to announce the availability of MirrorCommand Version 3.0.0 Release 1
See the MirrorCommand README to learn more about command line control of MagicMirror and the automated installation and configuration of MagicMirror with the MirrorCommand package.
This major release of MirrorCommand introduces support for multiple monitors, switching MagicMirror screen display between monitors and full support for both portrait and landscape mode displays.
Voice commands for screen switching have been added via the
MMM-GoogleAssistant module recipe file MirrorCommand.js.
To install:
Download the latest Debian or RPM format packages
NOTE: The automated configuration requires access to some X11 graphical
utilities. Depending upon your system’s X11 configuration, it may be necessary
to grant the root user access to the display. To do so, prior to installation
issue the command:
xhost +si:localuser:root
or grant everyone access with
xhost +
Install the package on Debian based systems by executing the command
sudo apt install ./MirrorCommand_3.0.0-1.deb
Install the package on RPM based systems by executing the command
sudo yum localinstall ./MirrorCommand-3.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
Removal of the package on Debian based systems can be accomplished by issuing the command:
sudo apt remove mirrorcommand
Removal of the package on RPM based systems can be accomplished by issuing the command:
sudo yum remove MirrorCommand
Post installation, configure /usr/local/MagicMirror/etc/mirrorkeys with any keys used by your modules. Once keys are configured, execute the command: