Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
NFL Score Module
Fixed not changing to post season and added icons for TBD
@strawberry-3.141 has there been any movement on this? I’ve been dying for an NBA module but can’t find a basketball API, and I’m pretty new to the scene to begin with. I’d love to collaborate with someone on this, if there’s interest.
@chieftainSupreme sorry I have no time in the next month to do any requests, but i saw that someone forked my repository and trys to change it for nba. check it out maybe you can help him
@strawberry-3.141 @chieftainSupreme
I am playing around with this - but I’m also just barely qualified to write code!
I’m gutting out most the higher level functions like stats and voice support, trying to just get correct scores to display. Biggest problem so far is I can not find an easy to parse score feed. This NFL feed is perfect.
@in_a_days I’ve been having trouble finding an NBA feed as well, I’ll keep looking and let you know if I find anything
Found this today. It’s not nearly as elegant as the NFL xml file, but it should technically be parsable.
So it’s been over 15 years since I’ve done much coding. My background is in C++ and I ran a few Python tutorials when I first got my Pi.
I’m writing a parser for this NBA score feed and it just occurred to me that I don’t know how to integrate a python script into Magic Mirror. I’ve made some good progress, but is there any sense continuing? Will I be able to easily port this to JS or will Magic Mirror know what to do with the .py file, or am I going to need to start over?
@in_a_days check out this python shell module
@in_a_days I suggest to move this into the development section and a new thread for nba
Help: you can run the python script in from inside the node_helper and read the output, then send the data to your module with a socket notification