Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@sdetweil finish reading my statement. What’s unique abou that calendar is two things:
- In the title, the football emoji. (stripped by a transform)
- The calendar name is “XFL”
You may use “calendarSet: [ … ]” in configuration to allow specific calendars only.
Or you can use “calendarName” property in the transformer function. -
@MMRIZE Sorry I could not reply sooner.
The Tesla module is the module below
I use Teslamate to extract the data from the car.
I will send you my calendar code to your email.
I also realized the last event (Saturday, Feb 18, in my screenshot) shows in my calendar but not in the agenda, If I take less days it does not show the last event. I did not see the issue when the last day was the 23rd, probably because the event started on the 22nd.
1.2.0 (2023-04-25)
- To get data from 3rd party module which is not compatible with default modules. - ADDED:
- To manipulate or to convert received payload itself on time. (e.g. Convert Celcius unit to Fahrenheit unit) - ADDED: Hiding day cell which has no event :
onlyEventDays: n
- CHANGED : Display whole month events in
regardless of agenda showing (despiteendDayIndex
) - CHANGED: Shared library to fix many issues.
- CHANGED: Timing of
is delayed for better-handling event data after regularized - FIXED : Pooling events with multi-calendar modules’ notification
- FIXED: position issue (I hope so…)
- FIXED: some typo.
- FIXED: flickering for many reasons (logic error to treat notifications)
Broke: My install… Nothing is coming up. I’ve attempted removing my custom CSS, which doesn’t help, so I’m figuring it’s something in my config. Here’s one of the 3 instances.
Nothing showing up in the logs, which are set for info, log, warn, error, and debug.
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda", // position: "top_left", config: { instanceId: "1", showMiniMonthCalendar: false, firstDayOfWeek: 0, startDayIndex: 0, endDayIndex: 99, minimalDaysOfNewYear: 1, animationSpeed: 0, useSymbol: false, useWeather: false, calendarSet: ["Main", "Utility"], eventTransformer: (ev) => { if ("⚾") > -1) { ev.title = ev.title.replace("⚾️ ",""); } if ("Bowling") > -1) { ev.color = 'yellow'; } if ("🏈") > -1) { ev.title = ev.title.replace("🏈 ",""); } return ev }, }, },
@BKeyport its all in the browser, so open the developers window, console tab
put ext3 in the filter field
no idea that the ‘not prepared yet’ means
I refactored all the duplicated logics in these modules and separate it with sub module named ‘CX3_Shared’.
That message happens when that submodule is not loaded(with certain reason). Most suspicious thing would be that submodule is not installed properly. Could you check it again?