Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
ALT not doing anything
@ankonaskiff17 yes, electron changed the key handling again
alt-spacebar. works as always
Control M
@swvalenti @sdetweil Thanks. “Hey there sexy!” was getting old.
@swvalenti yes, but ctrl-m minimizes, where alt-spacebar brings up the menu, like alt used to do
@sdetweil Bad news…FWIW ALT-spacebar does nothing and CTL + M kills it.
@ankonaskiff17 ctrl-m is minimize, ctrl-q quits
alt AND spacebar works for me
@sdetweil Quick change of subject. How do I find a list of installed packages on Pi WITH timestamp
Something unannounced just installed itself on this Pi
Not a fan of surprise unannounced installations out of the blue on my computers -
@ankonaskiff17 sorry no idea.
Regarding yesterdays change of subject question, my concern was if somehow a virus was loading itself on my Pi.
I kind of think I know what the problem is but it seems like an install problem because 1) it is repeatable and 2) it is like this straight from the install.
I don’t know the official name for the “bar” but it is missing.
This is from am MM I built a couple of years ago.Non-existent in this most recent install. I saw it missing yesterday. That missing bar was what prompted my question.
I’ve installed via @sdetweil script -
@ankonaskiff17 which os?
lsb_release -a
uname -a