Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Paul's frameless MM- finally done :)
Dear guys,
I am finally done with my first MM2- project.
Thank you very much for your great support and ideas to finish this project.There are only a few things left to work on:
- fix some errors with the DHT22-sensor
- find a GitHub module which shows the whole month with every iCal-entry. Also find the right positioning for it. I would like to position it in the Top/middle space (not top_bar, Ive tried it already :D ).
- enable wifi-connection. This hunts me since several months :D I still have no clue where the error is and how to fix it.
- find a Github module which enables me to send push -up notifications to the mirror. e.g. a friend goes into my room, looks a the running mirror and the mirror says something like "Hello XY, my name is Henry. It’s nice to meet you, you fag :D )
Best regards, Paul
You will find attached to this topic a few pictures.
Looks awsome! Great job and a good first mirror :thumbsup_tone1:
Nice, I like the frameless design. I am up to something similar.
@PaulB WoW nice work! :) i like the frameless thing! somehow it looks broken in the left bottom corner!? or is it just an illusion?
That’s realy shitty. I mean both corner are broken on the lower side.
@lolobyte Awehh Damn! May bad, how is it happend?
Yeah I know. It fell down on the front. After that I installed two “holders” for the frame. Now, it should not ever happen again. I guess you can feel my pain as I saw it. Nevertheless it still looks pretty cool and the broken corners are only visible if you stand right next to them or the sunlight shines on them.
@PaulB Wouldn’t it be possible to glue them or something simmilair so that you don’t see the cracks at all anymore and for better stability? (No idea if it’s possible with mirrors, just a thought)
@tosti007 Thought the same and contacted the manufacturer. Unfortunatly they said it is not possible to enhance the stability with a super glue or something similar.
The positive point is that the mirror does not stand on the mirror. It stand in the frame. Therefore it should be ok, hopefully.