Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Compliments text cycler without the randomizer
I am trying to have a text cycler just like the compliments module but no randomization so I can customize the order.
@cnelso24 You’ll have to tear the compliments module apart and use parts from it to construct what you want. NO sense in re-inventing the wheel :)
I’m new to JavaScript, so please correct me here if needed!
I gave it a go and deleted the randomness, didn’t try it out cause my RPI sin’t running, but this should work:
it does not work. I tried loading your code into the compliments.js file and none of my modules loaded after that. Thank you for trying though. I am also very new, that’s why I am asking for help
Easy way is if you don’t want random then enter just 1 entry under each time… ;) That way you don’t have to do anything to change it… it’ll just show what you want all the time …
The compliments module isn’t random. It rotates through whatever is in the module according to the time of day…
So if you want it say something different then change it :)
hmm… good point but then it will only display 1 string at a time, am I correct? What I am trying to do is display 6-8 strings all the time in a specific order.
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Jan 30, 2017, 12:31 AM Jan 30, 2017, 12:29 AM
@cnelso24 Do a search on here… someone was asking or trying to make this work with a separate json file that they wanted to create… maybe you can do it that way.
Try this forum… near the bottom:
yawns was talking about something that could possibly work!
@cnelso24 Okay, so what you want is more something like hello world, but 6 times.
I’ll get my PI back tomorrow, I will setup magicmirror and play around with the modules.
I’m planning on making my own module, so this is a good exercise :pI’ll let you know If I got it working
I just put this together, based on the original compliments module. I am not sure if this should be added to the default module by PullRequest, which is why I created a standalone repository first.
Thank you! I’ll check it out when I get home