Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-Buttons] Not recognizing button presses
For testing in terminal :
1- Create a file with this :
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(25, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) tries = 0 while (tries < 200): if GPIO.input(25): print("Open") else: print ("Close") time.sleep(0.5) tries = tries + 1 #GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on normal exit
2 - Execute with “python”
3 - Test your button.
@istepgueu thanks, ive done this and its working properly and registers all my clicks.
@istepgueu im assuming the following would just send out a test broadcast that the pm2 logs can see? It sees the notifications from all the other modules i.e CALENDA_EVENTS etc… when they happen.
{ module: 'MMM-Buttons', config: { buttons: [ { pin: 5, name: "TEST", shortPress: { notification: "TEST_ACTION", payload: {action: "ACTIONON"} }, longPress: undefined } ] } },
@istepgueu Can I add the snippet and instructions to the readme?
@Jopyth Yes of course !
@istepgueu So my button registers properly but its not sending out a notification at all. There are no errors and my mirror loads correctly. I’m using the pin5:test code above.
@Mar you can you test with this code and capture log from firebug
{ pin: 5, name: "power", longPress: { title: "Power off", message: "Keep pressed for 3 seconds to shut down", imageFA: "power-off", notification: "REMOTE_ACTION", payload: {action: "SHUTDOWN"} }, shortPress: undefined }
@istepgueu Alright now this is weird. I have my MM running via HDMI, and also opened it up in a Chrome tab on my laptop. When i press the buttong the inspector shows the log of the button and I get a popup on Chrome. But nothing is happening on the screen connected to the actual pi?
@Mar I suppose you have try
pm2 restart mm
@istepgueu Tried that, also tried a reboot. Doesnt work on the screen connected to the pi, but still does when i access via a browser. Also when i access via a browser I see this show up in the logs “Initialize button power on PIN 5” but this line doesnt show up when restarting MM and accessing via the HDMI.