Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I refer to the possibility of a multiaccount module.
I tried to make 2 directories email_a and email_b, uninstalled the module, customized the mail.js und installed it again.
In the “global” config I added both modules into the array with their new names (email_a email_b) with all the other neccessary information like the auth…
But when I start the mirror app, nothing happens. I see, that the helpers start, but no tries to fetch mails.
And no errors.Any suggestions?
@ronny3050 i would like to display only unread emails. thank you.
I use this modul for a long time. but now I have a little question,
is it possible to set a intervall to check new emails?? Like every 10 Minutes for example.And if it isn´t possible can I easy put this option in any way?
I have to say my coding experencie isn´t very good, so because there is a easy way. :-)greets gismo
@eugenelai @apm1007 @Gungnir83 Please update. :)
@Preve Thanks for the heads up. The bottom parts are warnings and have nothing to do with the module not working.
for a long time indicates problem with communicating with your email service. -
@ronny3050 I have the same problem as Preve, I have tried multiple email accts, and nothing. Happened after I updated MM. Any ideas?
Hey @ronny3050, is there a way to only show the sender’s name and not their email address?