Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-DHT-Sensor - Get temperature & humidity values from a DHT sensor
i get te notification that there is a new Version available. But if i go to ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-DHT-Sensor and do ‘git pull’ it says that the module is already up-to-date. What should i do?Cheers
Cool module,
i would like to know whether you have an idea to my following problem:
I did everything as recommended. Unfortunately the module is not shown on the screen.
I checked everything as well as if the DHT22 works.
Everything runs fine, unfortunately :D -
@Dracarys I am not seeing any update notification at all… Do you still have the issue?
@PaulB Did you follow all the steps? Without logs is a little bit difficult to know what’s going on… Did you try to check if the sensor is working (like with a python script or something). It sound like a config.js issue…
Thanks for your quick reply :
I have checked the config file as well as the set up. Checking the sensor via the console works fine.My next steps are deleting the module and downloading it again. Following step by step your manual.
I keep you updated :)
I delete everything and set it up from scratch again.
Unfortunately, as I start the MMM application your module is not shown on the screen. Do you have an idea where the problem is located?I used your config.js-example and just changed the Pinnumber from 2 to 4.
Kind regards,
Paul -
Thanks for the great works.
It’s possible to change the icons color of the temp and humidity?
Thanks for help.
It’s done.
@Ogret Sorry, I don’t have access to the mirror here, so I was waiting to get home today to reply to you. It’s just adding some code in the custom.css file with the right class, but seems like you already found how to do it!