Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
How dare you? :-)
Format update!
Do your git pull please see READ ME for change [config option must!]
SEE example CONFIG on github! -
This post is deleted! -
could be using the same css tag some place… I would just to experiment go into NOAA css and take out one thing at a time and see what is interfering with it :)
When I say one thing at a time I mean entire { } sets :)
And I am betting you didn’t read the readme file for NOAA LOL I can tell…
@cowboysdude Interesting, I copied the new “config” off the new readme, and still was missing the position…odd. thanks for the catch.
@Reotch2 LOL I do things like that ALL the time myself :)
Hopefully this works for everyone … I think I like this much better it cuts down the size a bunch more :)
@cowboysdude So… I’ll be the first to admit… I’m an idiot… haha… Again, I cut and paste off the new module, not sure how I missed the position line… Regardless, it fixed it… and it’s beautiful.
Great work.
@Reotch2 No Sir not an idiot… I know idiots you ain’t in that club LOL