Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Sean Thank you so much! Finally, after toiling away at it, with your help, I got it to work. Next up, your calendar module!
@vicmora : I’ve been trying all night long: just cant get the map to be shown.
I can see that the module is started in the dev logs.Funny thing: If I add some different HTML Output in the module.js It is printed on my screen, the only thing missing is the map.
Same thing is happening on MMM-fuel and MMM-googlemap. Modules are working but the map itself is not shown.
Different one for iFrame: This one is working.Interesting fact: If I check on the google dashboard for the traffic of this specific api key, I do not see any traffic. Is there anything special in the google api that I need to enable, or any additional module that needs to be installed.
Any ideas: Thanks a lot for the help.
@blue2monster: found now a workaround with the iframe module: This one works… but I haven’t made to switch the traffic layer on
@blue2monster Have you tried adding position: ‘top_left’ to your config? I missed this in the docs but will update them.
@vicmora : yes, I added position to various spots(e.g top_left; bottom_center,…) and tried various width and heights but still frame not visible.
Tried as well a complete empty config with only this module loaded-> no sucess.
I guess it might be an Google api key issue: Could you please show you google api devboard: Which service needs to be activated in google api? An which is showing traffic on your google api?
Thanks. -
@blue2monster This is where I grabbed the api key:
I created a pull request that I’d like merged. I added a config parameter that allows you to specify the type of map to display, my favorite is the hybrid which shows a satellite image with the roads on top. I left the default to display just the road maps as before.
@sprior Thanks! I merged it today.
I’m familiar with git, but not github as much. Since I forked your repository to make my change, then did a pull request which you accepted, I now show my repo as being one commit behind yours. How do I tell github to pull that commit, or do I just delete my repo and fork again when/if needed?
cool module but got some issues when trying to select a dark mode style.
I wanted to look the map like in this example:, i have tried to use your code and modify the colors. also i have tried to use the code from here:
the module always starts, but i just got the standard view on it.
maybe you could explain a little bit more detailed how to do it. that would be great. thx