Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Need help with making the rasberry pi start up delayed
I want to delay start up. Because as it sits right now the tv doesnt turn on as fast so the pi boots before i can turn the tv on and i get no picture so id like to make the pi delay 5-10 seconds. So i have time to turn the tv on
Turn the tv on first?
Its all plugged in to an fancy three way extension cord so when i plug in the “mirrors” cord it powers the tv and pi.
But the pi starts to run right away while the tv i have to push the button ive seen people that delay them and ive seen the code but i dont know how to get to where to put it or what commands to run.
Here the link where ive seen it
If you scroll down you see the codes but i have nonidea how to command them in terminal. Can you walk me through that
Did you utilize pm2 as part of your setup? Possibly you could use;
pm2 start mm --start-delay {time in milliseconds}
*disclaimer, I haven’t tested this.
I did use pm2 but even with pm2 it dont work right itll start up show magic mirrors loading screen then go to raspbian desktop where i have to enter pmstart or whatever and then itll load just fine thats also been a struggle that was never resolved that i have coped with tho however