Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My voice-controlled magic mirror (voice powered by Jasper)
Hey guys,
I had no idea this forum existed until I was perusing the GitHub repo. Super stoked for this forum and the incoming modules system.
Anyways, I made a voice-controlled magic mirror that uses Jasper – Jasper is pretty awesome but definitely a pain to get running correctly (big differences between versions of Raspbian and the Pi itself). Anyways, here is my full project writeup:
I’m pretty excited for some kind of separate voice control module possibly (not sure if this is in the works yet) to avoid needing Jasper altogether.
Anyways, let me know what you think! I tried to make the guide as thorough as possible so that the most people possible could understand it and hopefully get involved. :)
Hi Zach,
I saw your project and tried to get Jasper up and running. It was a ballache, so I decided against it.
There is 1 working voice module and another is in development!
Welcome to the forum
Yea the voice module is working very well! made a notification module that notify when i said something in the voicecontrol module. The notification module then runs the command.
I have it working to turn off and on my monitor so far. The next thing i will try is to make a GPIO pin to switch on a led strip behind the mirror.
The only exception in this voice module is that it doens’t work with dictornary text. Only preprogrammed words.
So we can’t call things like: Show me a map of “cityname”. Cuz cityname can be anything.Maybe someone get the knowledge to expand the voice module to activate freetext. Like use Snowboy for “Show me the map of” and then use modules like annyang for the last word(s).
Awesome!! I’ll check it out. :)
getting the following error.
******************************************************* ERROR:root:Error occured! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/jasper/", line 146, in app = Jasper() File "/home/pi/jasper/", line 91, in __init__ stt_engine_class = stt.get_engine_by_slug(stt_engine_slug) File "/home/pi/jasper/client/", line 648, in get_engine_by_slug "dependencies, etc.)") % slug) ValueError: STT engine 'sphinx' is not available (due to missing dependencies, missing dependencies, etc.)
anyone have a fix for this?? @Zach @Mitchfarino @tyho
Edited by moderator:* Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading! :bow:
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Jan 29, 2017, 10:16 PM Jan 29, 2017, 9:49 PM
What I want to know is where did you get the round usb extension cable? I have been looking for one of those for a long time… :)
Opps never mind had I read the entire post I would have known… found it!!! :)
@Zach Hey Zach, I’m excited to get your project up and running, but could you update it with the latest install process for Raspbian as the options available on the page you link to have changed dramatically: Jessie appears no longer available.