Hey guys,
I had no idea this forum existed until I was perusing the GitHub repo. Super stoked for this forum and the incoming modules system.
Anyways, I made a voice-controlled magic mirror that uses Jasper – Jasper is pretty awesome but definitely a pain to get running correctly (big differences between versions of Raspbian and the Pi itself). Anyways, here is my full project writeup: https://howchoo.com/project/mzu3ndm2otu/building-a-voice-controlled-smart-mirror-with-raspberry-pi-and-jasper
I’m pretty excited for some kind of separate voice control module possibly (not sure if this is in the works yet) to avoid needing Jasper altogether.
Anyways, let me know what you think! I tried to make the guide as thorough as possible so that the most people possible could understand it and hopefully get involved. :)