Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@g_nandagpl is it possible to send notifications or load modules through voice?
@g_nandagpl Visualization is now done! It looks like a talking/breathing circle, kind of like cortana.
@dolanmiu Thanks for the visualisation.
Has anyone run into this problem:
Error: Cannot find module ‘/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-awesome-alexa/node_modules/snowboy/lib/node/binding/Release/electron-v1.4-linux-arm/snowboy.node’
at Module._resolveFilename (module.js:455:15)
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (/home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/common/reset-search-paths.js:35:12)Happens when I try to run my mirror with MMM-awesome-alexa.
@smyvy Yes, its a very common issue, run this:
npm run electron-rebuild
Thanks for the speedy reply. Although I have tried this several times and I get
“sh: 1 electron-rebuild: not found…”
I’ve started over a couple of times but get the same. Sorry if this is a real NOOB problem.
@smyvy which directory are you running that command on?
It needs to be in the MMM-awesome-Alexa directory
That command is most definitely there
Hi, yes inside that directory.
I’m going to completely restart and see if it is something I’ve messed up.
I am also getting the above error. @Jnstnt- can you please share the findings… A sample copy would help
@jnstnr ,
Hi, Please let me the fix , I am getting this error and nothing is helping out so far…