Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Random Quotes
I forgot who asked me to release my code, it may have been @paviro, but I honestly don’t remember. One of the very first modules I wanted was something that displays a random quote, so I modified the supplied ‘Compliments’ one to my needs. I used the popular web site to fetch quotes, however they don’t provide an API. And looking around the web, all of the random quotes web sites that I found with an API only allows you one random quote per day. If you want a random one each time you send a request, then you need to subscribe and pay them. So, in keeping the ‘free’ nature of the module, I decided to hard code a few categories and quotes from each from BrainyQuote. If you want to edit the quotes, you’ll have to do that in the module’s js file.
I just installed it. it’s working fine, Did send you a PR there were some typos in the readme file. some people wouldn’t be able to install it with that typos.
Thanks, merged into dev. Will push it to master as well.
Hi, I am very bad with javascript is it possible to load the quotes from a text file?
Not as written. It would require a bit of rewriting to allow for a local call to a file. Not impossible, just not written.
so is that right that you put the information from your script not from brainyguote?
so i can change it in vocal to learn an another language ?
i mean its only a script what change the text per time ?
if that is it that i am thanksfull
that i need it (for example for my english…) -
All the quotes are in the random_quotes.js file. You can change them to anything you want.
so i have to add the paramteres (updateintervall etc) in my config ?
because in your example wasn’t that
very thank you!‘modules: [
module: ‘random_quotes’,
position: ‘lower_third’,
config: {
updateIntervall=500 // The config property is optional
fadeSpeed=4 // Without a config, a random quote is shown,
category=random // selected from all of the categories available.
]’ -
Correct, as the documentation shows.
strawberry 3.141 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by strawberry 3.141 Oct 26, 2016, 9:10 PM Oct 26, 2016, 9:10 PM
@geeflaxx you need to write it down like this
{ module: 'random_quotes', position: 'lower_third', config: { updateIntervall: 500, fadeSpeed: 4, category: 'random' } }