Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Started working on another module and then realized how cool it would be simply as a live background.
How power Hungry are those animated backgrounds? Do they run smooth on a raspberry pi?
Other than that Thats a Really cool background !!! -
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Mar 24, 2018, 7:28 PM Mar 24, 2018, 7:24 PM
How power Hungry are those animated backgrounds? Do they run smooth on a raspberry pi?
No sir. This is not meant for a Pi. I want things like this so I’ve left the Pi behind, using (mostly) old laptop boards.
Damn CBD and his spectacular weather module. ;-)
@Mykle1 said in Hello-Lucy:
Damn CBD and his spectacular weather module. ;-)
I may just have to just use CBD’s one now as my old faithfull WuderGround is acting weird :-(
Hey Mykle,
I already Wrote a while ago that I Plan to use snips As Voice recognition for MM2.
Well finally got Started with The project And The Speech recognition itself Works Fine. However I still Need To create a Module for it. Since I Really like The features of Hello Lucy My Plan Is To use The Main.js And just replace The nodehelper
However since I am a absolute noob both with JavaScript And Modules in MM2 I still have a few questions towards Hello Lucy- did I See that right: everything Voice related is Done in The nodehelper And When something is recognised it just Gets Send To The Main.js over a socketnotification?
- I did Not Understand How The nodehelper Gets Called By The Main.js
- where is The hotword recognition? Failed To find what exactly in The Code does this
Thank You for The help
Max -
Hello Max,
I did write the Hello-Lucy enhancement to MMM-voice (by Strawberry). However, it did not require me to fully understand the workings of MMM-voice. I only needed to know how to send and receive notifications that would trigger hide and show commands to MM itself. I’m not being evasive. I simply cannot explain as Strawberry himself would, being the author of MMM-voice. If you direct your question toward him I am sure you will get a timely response, if he doesn’t happen to look at this topic
Ok ty, I will contact him. Btw when you talked to your MagicMirror I recognised you always only say the keywords like for example “Show Page 1”. Is this just because thats the way you talk to the mirror or would it fail when you say for example “Show me page one please” or even “Show me the first Page”?
@maxbachmann said in Hello-Lucy:
Ok ty, I will contact him. Btw when you talked to your MagicMirror I recognised you always only say the keywords like for example “Show Page 1”. Is this just because thats the way you talk to the mirror or would it fail when you say for example “Show me page one please” or even “Show me the first Page”?
If you look at the coding you’ll notice that it listens for words or sentences that you have created. So, you could create sentences such as “Show me page one please”. It is my feeling that the longer the sentence, the more room for error. Thus, I kept mine short and simple. I’m quite satisfied with the success rate.