Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
I’m using the pi camera module. It’s correctly enable from the raspi config tool.
I’ve tried to capture an image from my pi camera with :
pi@pi:~ $ raspistill -o output.jpg
the raspistill tool hang…
The pi camera might be broken ? someone got the same issue ?
Do you have any good usb webcam compatible with raspberry pi 3 and opencv ? I would like to use the MMM Face recognition module…
After retrying couple of times to make it work, it looks like the issue was coming the raspbian distribution or python package issue.
After reflashing my sd card with a fresh raspbian image, my camera works…
First, thanks Paviro for the good work :) bless you + hug :p
Second, how do it work once configured, lets say with two users ? Is it always monitoring if someone is going in front of the mirror or we need a trigger to say “eyh recognize me now” ? That may be a stupid question but I prefer to ask before ordering my camera :) The MM is in my appartment entrance, so will it try to recognize every sec, or only when something goes in front of the cam
Third, I’d like to use a USB cam because the cable for the Pi cam is too short but I don’t know if I can order any type of usb cam. If it is an HD cam, will be it better or worse for the recognotion (mainly because it will take longer to process each image I guess).
It checks every second or so but you can configure the interval.You can buy longer cables for the Pi cam :)
Thanks to you, I looked for it. It seems that most people go for this one, very cheap, so I share it if others people are interested
I still hesitate between the pi cam and a USB cam with a greater image quality
i am having a problem that the screen remains blank after i am logged in
image url)
Very nice module.
However I keep ruinning into the same error when I try to convert them to pgm files:
Could not detect single face!I’ve taken ‘selfies’ with different camera’s in different lighting conditions, but not even one is good enough to convert into a pgm file…
Can you please give me some clues on what conditions my pictures have to meet?
Am I doing something wrong?
All help and advice appreciated! -
@rajbadri Have you added the classes: (with a value) to all the other modules in the config.js? If you get a plain black screen without errors it might be that no modules were loaded.
@rvdgeer OK, replying to my own post for future reference:
I got it working by doing the following:
- cropped the pictures to only show my face;
- copied the cropped pictures and transformed them to greyscale;
- copied the grey pictures and upped the contact;
- moved all pictures (originals and copies) to a direct sub folder of the facetrainer folder;
- started the, pressed 2, entered my name, entered the name of the sub folder (only the sub folder, not the entire path) and waited.
This way I got it to recognize about 10 of the pictures…
Not bad!Getting it to recognize me is still not easy, but that because of the lighting conditions in my ManCave where I’m putting it together.