Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
assign a symbol to a module
@dominic ou can add a fontawesome icon in the header like the following lines here
and add
getStyles: function () { return ["font-awesome.css"]; },
@strawberry-3.141 said in assign a symbol to a module:
getStyles: function () {
return [“font-awesome.css”];
},I add:
var header = document.createElement("header"); // in the getdom function and getStyles: function () { return ["font-awesome.css"]; },
in the .js file. And now I have to do ?
how do i musst edit the config file ?
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); var symbol = document.createElement("span"); symbol.className = "fa fa-home"; wrapper.appendChild(symbol); return wrapper; }
This will result in a “house symbol”
@yawns said in assign a symbol to a module:
getDom: function() {
var wrapper = document.createElement(“div”);var symbol = document.createElement(“span”);
symbol.className = “fa fa-home”;
wrapper.appendChild(symbol);return wrapper;
}Thanks. When i add the code, i have the “house” but i have a getdom function with the following code…
getDom: function(){ var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if(this.dataFile){ var humidityRegExp = /Humidity = (.*?) %/ig; var humidity = humidityRegExp.exec(this.dataFile)[1]; var temperatureRegExp = /Temperature = (.*?) *C/ig; var temperature = temperatureRegExp.exec(this.dataFile)[1]; wrapper.innerHTML = "r.F.: " + humidity + "%, Temp.: " + temperature + "°C"; } else { wrapper.innerHTML = "No data"; } return wrapper; },
…how do I implement the code in this?
like this:
getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if(this.dataFile){ var humidityRegExp = /Humidity = (.*?) %/ig; var humidity = humidityRegExp.exec(this.dataFile)[1]; var temperatureRegExp = /Temperature = (.*?) *C/ig; var temperature = temperatureRegExp.exec(this.dataFile)[1]; var spacer = document.createElement("span"); spacer.innerHTML = " "; var temperature_symbol = document.createElement("span"); temperature_symbol.className = "fa fa-home"; var humidity_symbol = document.createElement("span"); humidity_symbol.className = "fa fa-tint"; wrapper.appendChild(temperature_symbol); var temperature_text = document.createElement("span"); temperature_text.innerHTML = " " + temperature + "°C"; wrapper.appendChild(temperature_text); wrapper.appendChild(spacer); wrapper.appendChild(humidity_symbol); var humidity_text = document.createElement("span"); humidity_text.innerHTML = " " + humidity + "%"; wrapper.appendChild(humidity_text); } else { wrapper.innerHTML = "No data"; } return wrapper; },
Should give you a house symbol for temperature inside and a droplet for humidity.
I need add a symbol to text (before or behind).
getDom: function() { var header = document.createElement("header"); var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if(this.config.title !== false){ var title = document.createElement("header"); title.innerHTML = this.config.title ||; wrapper.appendChild(title); } var logs = document.createElement("table"); for (var i = this.messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //Create callWrapper var callWrapper = document.createElement("tr"); callWrapper.classList.add("normal"); var icon = document.createElement("td"); if (this.messages[i].type === "INFO"){ icon.className = "fa fa-info"; } else if (this.messages[i].type === "WARNING"){ icon.className = "fa fa-exclamation"; } else if (this.messages[i].type === "ERROR"){ icon.className = "fa fa-exclamation-triangle"; } else { icon.className = "fa fa-question"; } //Set caller of row var caller = document.createElement("td"); caller.innerHTML = "[" + this.messages[i].type + "] " + this.messages[i].message + " " + wrapper.appendChild(icon); caller.classList.add("title", "small", "align-left"); if(this.config.types.hasOwnProperty(this.messages[i].type)){ caller.classList.add(this.config.types[this.messages[i].type]); } callWrapper.appendChild(caller); //Set time of row var time = document.createElement("td"); time.innerHTML = this.config.format ? moment(this.messages[i].timestamp).format(this.config.format) : moment(this.messages[i].timestamp).fromNow(); time.classList.add("time", "light", "xsmall"); callWrapper.appendChild(time); //Add to logs logs.appendChild(callWrapper); } wrapper.appendChild(logs); return wrapper;
What is wrong?
Hi @Plati
The solution depends on how you want to display the table.
Do you want
- 3 columns in the following order:
| Icon | Message | Time |
- Or 2 columns laid out as follows:
| Message Icon | Time |
- 3 columns in the following order:
Hi @ianperrin
| Icon | Message | Time | should be ok
@Plati said in assign a symbol to a module:
Hi @ianperrin
| Icon | Message | Time | should be ok
In that case, try this
var iconCell = document.createElement("td"); var icon = document.createElement("i"); if (this.messages[i].type === "INFO"){ icon.className = "fa fa-info"; } else if (this.messages[i].type === "WARNING"){ icon.className = "fa fa-exclamation"; } else if (this.messages[i].type === "ERROR"){ icon.className = "fa fa-exclamation-triangle"; } else { icon.className = "fa fa-question"; } iconCell.appendChild(icon); callWrapper.appendChild(iconCell); //Set caller of row var caller = document.createElement("td"); caller.innerHTML = "[" + this.messages[i].type + "] " + this.messages[i].message;
You could also consider making the icon configurable via the options,
First add the default values for the options
defaults: { max: 5, format: false, types: { INFO: "dimmed", WARNING: "normal", ERROR: "bright" }, icons: { INFO: "info", WARNING: "exclamation", ERROR: "exclamation-triangle" } },
Then change the code to create the icon (and for bonus points, set class for the icon to the same as the message.
var iconCell = document.createElement("td"); var icon = document.createElement("i"); if(this.config.icons.hasOwnProperty(this.messages[i].type)){ icon.classList.add("fa", "fa-" + this.config.icons[this.messages[i].type]); } else { icon.classList.add("fa", "fa-question"); } if(this.config.types.hasOwnProperty(this.messages[i].type)){ icon.classList.add(this.config.types[this.messages[i].type]); } iconCell.appendChild(icon); callWrapper.appendChild(iconCell);
Warning - this code was entered directly here in the comment so may contain TyoPs ;)