Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MotionEye - surveillance video stream on your mirror!
Just have a look for the noir camera. Have a look for There is an official cam - I think - by the raspberry company. But any other that support the onboard psi cam plug is imho better than usb cam. But that is your decision.
I had that same issue. I ended up just creating a few mmm-mogioneye module entries in the config file -
Did you ever get an answer back on this one? I am having the same problem. I see everything fine without autohide active, but if I activate autohide, I see it for a bit during page load and never again after. I get detected motion emails and photo uploads so the detection isn’t the problem. It just doesn’t get fed to the mirror module somehow. Maybe my Web-hook config is off?
It would be helpful to know if you fixed your issue and how you did it.
Hey, SdeGeata
No, actually I didn’tI circumvented it by setting up a motioneyeos raspberry pi zero. As I needed the larger image on my Magicmirror I used “fast…?” option, which does not provide any of the motion activities,. what was fine to me.
I do think, this is not merely a problem of motioneye, but of the MM its self.
With every update of MM the Gap went bigger, I got more problems.
Now, streaming the motioneyeos to two MMs it is more steady, nonetheless I do habe outages. I don’t see a picture,. although my browser directed to motioneyeos shows an actual one. Restarting MM solves that issue- normally,…
Good look to You ! -
Thanks for the info. I’ll keep trying stuff out and see what happens.
So how do we use that Webhook URL to trigger the hidden module. I have been screwing with it for days trying to get it to work. Can you clarify the config for that? -
I really want to use the AutoHide feature. But the stream is fixed and always displayed. Is there any possibility…?{ module: "MMM-MotionEye", position: "bottom_left", config: { url: "http://pihole:8081", autoHide: true, autoHideDelay: "10000", forcedRefreshInterval: 60000, width: "400px", debug: false } },
ok. solved.Somehow it was working after an hour or so.
Also- you have to enable access to the mirror via
address: “” and whitelistThe the commands http://mirror:8080/motioneye and http://mirror:8080/motioneye/hide are working.
Bonjour à tous, comme beaucoup apparement, j’ai installé le module motioneye sur mon MM avec ces lignes dans mon fichier “config”:
{ module: 'MMM-MotionEye', position: 'bottom_left', config: { url: "http://monip:8081", forcedRefreshInterval: 60000, width: 400, debug: true } },
Mais quand je lance Magic Mirror , j’ai une petite icone avec une image cassée.
Lorsque je rentre cette adresse ip :“http://monip:8081”, dans mon navigateur sur mon pc , je tombe sur une page qui me dit : “ce site n’autorise pas la connexion”J’ai essayé de voir si sur motioneye il n’y avait pas des autorisations de connexions a mettre mais je ne vois rien .
Infos peut etre importante, motioneye est installer sur docker à travers portainer sur une VM!
Merci pour votre aide
@piwy Salut Piwy;
Essaye de changer des paramètres dans motion.conf & motioneye.conf. Il ne sont pas accessible de la GUI. Voir avec Terminal;
et trouve webcontrol_localhost, si c’est “on” change ça pour “off”.En
Change motion_control_localhost true pour motion_control_localhost false .Essaye ça.