Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Tube-Status (London Underground)
Looks nice, just about what I had in mind with colours.
thanks very much. not installed a new module before so we’ll see how it goes!
Is there any instructions on module installation? to put in the config.js as to the location of the module on the screen?
@djbenny07 check out the read me file on Github, it details the options and provides an example.
@yawns I was thinking of making the font the line colours but then the Northern line would have never shown up :( It turns out TfL provide detailed UI and colour guides so I was able to get the correct colours for each line.
@nigel-daniels I have done as the config suggests however the display says it needs a valid config file.
Then please show your entire config file. If the config.js file is there but the mirror says it is missing then there is something missing, most of the time , or }
Please put ` (back ticks) before and after your config file content when posting, then it will be parsed and shown correctly. Also please remove appids/app tokens, they should be kept private. -
var config = {
port: 8080,language: 'en', timeFormat: 24, units: 'metric', modules: [ { module: 'alert', }, { module: 'clock', position: 'top_left' }, { module: 'calendar', header: 'Public Holidays', position: 'top_left', config: { calendars: [ { symbol: 'calendar-check-o ', url: 'webcal://' } ] } }, { module: 'compliments', position: 'lower_third' }, { module: 'currentweather', position: 'top_right', config: { location: 'London', locationID: '245613', //ID from appid: 'ID Number taken out' } }, { module: 'weatherforecast', position: 'top_right', header: 'Weather Forecast', config: { location: 'London', locationID: '245613', //ID from appid: 'ID Number taken out' } }, {
@djbenny07 i took it out of there as it didnt work. could it be corrected? is it possible to get it on the right hand upper corner underneath the clock?
@djbenny07 Is that the entire config file? I ask because it’s not closed properly.
Please put the module configuration that you’re trying to get to work back in and post the entire file for us so we can check it all. We’ll get you running.