Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Installing Magic mirror on windows 10
@Omeliel u are doing ~/MagicMirror something
you want
cd ~/MagicMirror
npm install
I think this is causing the files to be put in the users root, NOT in the MagicMirror folder
fonts should be installed in MagicMirror/fonts
vendor should be installed in MagicMirror/vendorcan u see if ~/fonts and ~/vendor exist?
also, at the end, this will fail to run, as the MINGW env has no graphical environment itself,
so electron won’t run… u will need to run serveronly mode and access the MM via another browseryou could install MM ON windows (open cmd.exe)…
also, you are installing under MINGW (looks like linux), not on windows natively
@Omeliel you could install on windows directly
@Omeliel still need to see errors in both consoles… terminal window and dev window
Thank you is exactly what in I am trying to do and followin those steps i got balck screen only either in server mode or in normal mode .
@Omeliel ok, so the problem is in the console side… can u show the messages from the window where you did npm start (called the terminal window)
Sorted. I post in few minutes solution.
What worked for me was so far :
I installed this:
In that tutorial, he said to install git bash. I didn’t I just used cmd from windows.
From I download the zip file, extracted in C: in windows (not as described in that tutorial).
I renamed the extracted folder by just deleting master remain only MagicMirror as a folder.
Open cmd in windows go in C:\MagicMirror and run npm install
Then I went in C:\MagicMirror\config and delete sample extension ending to have just file named config.js
After that, as @stedweil advised went and edit the package.json file and remove the display=${display… stuff from the start clause
It should start with "node_modules, like this
“start”: “node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js”,
Now trying to start mm I got black screen only.
I can’t remember where I saw but I think MichMich advice to go in C:\MagicMirror\vendor and run again npm install, I have done that and it worked.
Now regarding editing the config.js, it need to be edited according to your area . There some tutorials for that too. -
Tell me if is working for anyone who try it cuz i have 0 knowledge abot html, css, java :)) .
Thank you @sdetweil @Michmich and @vintage89 and all others who spend their time share with us noobs :)) their knowlege.
Kind regards -
@Omeliel said in Installing Magic mirror on windows 10:
Now trying to start mm I got black screen only.
I can’t remember where I saw but I think MichMich advice to go in C:\MagicMirror\vendor and run again npm install, I have done that and it worked.
Now regarding editing the config.js, it need to be edited according to your area . There some tutorials for that it working or not? prior message says working, your new question seems it is not