Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Weather station for MagicMirror and SmartHome wanted
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Jul 22, 2021, 11:28 AM Jul 22, 2021, 11:15 AM
@majorc I went with Ambient Weather because your data gets uploaded to both Ambient Weather and Weather Underground.
For this you get an API key that will return your data in json format which is very usable to build your own module with. This is your weather data which means it’ll be VERY accurate for your area because you are the one capturing it.
You can take the weather info you get back and put it into ANY weather module here and make it work.
They have helper libraries for the api for node js already. Because it’s your data the rate limit is NO more then 1 hit per second… which basically means you can up to the minute accurate weather data.
While I don’t really write too many modules anymore I will be making a new weather module for my mirror with my data :)
The reason why you don’t see Eve used in the US much is because they are more expensive compared to say Xiaomi products which most are half the price of Eve products.
I am running Home Assistant and I have Xiaomi temp/humd sensors, motions sensors, etc. Much less expensive and work very well.
@cowboysdude Nice. I have now a Natatmo station and very happy.
Works very good with
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Jul 24, 2021, 12:12 AM Jul 24, 2021, 12:05 AM
@majorc They look REALLY awesome!! I’m putting mine on the pole tomorrow…it’s a weekend so I get to play LOL.
Got the 10’ black iron pole all ready to go… mount is ready. Just a matter of installing it and putting the station on top :)
I did find this you may want to look at ->
@cowboysdude Yeah, I have my Netamos for more than 8 years now and they are awsome. I found also a fork, which allows to display several base stations
I use and really like it
@swvalenti Here’s my weather page from Wunderground