Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
It’s an iframe module which means, in this case, you only have access to certain elements. Manipulating the return can only be done to those elements. What you’re asking for is not one of the elements available and is done automatically by the site where the data is coming from.
Then again, I’m really just a hobbyist programmer. There may be a way that is beyond my simple knowledge. Feel free to fork the module and experiment to your liking.
Peace bro.
Is it possible to reverse the date on top and the text on bottom? See image to what I mean…thanks!

@swvalenti won’t let me attach image but hopefully someone knows what I am trying to convey
@swvalenti u are doing upload photo, not attachment right
third icon from the right, sun over the mountain
@sdetweil said in MMM-EventHorizon:
@swvalenti u are doing upload photo, not attachment right
third icon from the right, sun over the mountain
I am doing upload image and just says error
@swvalenti how big is the image… I see it fail over 3 meg
@sdetweil only 1.2meg
@swvalenti To post images to forums I use and then share the link on your forum post.
@mayfield thank you
@swvalenti looks like not
the module uses this service to create the counter